Sky Sinmore



1 year, 7 months ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man, He/Him 

Species: Canine Demihuman 

Abilities: Crystal, Mind Manipulation 

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Age: Mid 20’s 

Birthday: October 18 

Personality: Very hard to like, Sky is an untrustworthy and manipulative person. He likes being the leader and being in control, having been taught at a young age that being that way was the only way to get by. He can be quite rude at times, though he prefers sitting back and watching (judging) unless provoked, when he turns ruthless in any regard. He can use his words as venom, and because he can poke his way through people's heads, often goes straight for triggers. Sky is also a trained warrior, trained by both his father and his superiors in the Ice Storms, and is able to take down most anyone in a fight. The only acceptations to his normal behavior are around the few people he lets close to him, where he's a little more mellow. Buried in him are feelings he's kept to himself for the most part, sorrow and grief over the loss of his parents, regret over how he treats those he cares about, self depreciation, and overall anger of how things have turned out for him.

Story Summary: Sky grew up being the golden child of his family, as he was born with both aptitudes for his mother’s crystal ability and his father’s mind manipulation ability. His father influenced every aspect of his life growing up, turns out because he was using his mind manipulation on him quite often. However, it didn’t stop him from breaking a little when his mother’s dead body was brought back and he fell more and more into letting his father mold him into being just like him. When his father was killed by Accalia, his mind broke more and he vowed revenge and wants to see her dead for it, which the Ice Storms took notice of and decided to invite him to join them. He accepted, and quickly climbed the ranks because of how destructive and powerful he was, and the power climb felt similar to what he knew his father wanted so it was fulfilling to him. He has multiple warrants in multiple districts in Sidoria, and basically has no concrete living situation because he goes between Ice Storm bases and different people’s couches. His siblings have also greatly limited contact with him, as has his ex-girlfriend Temerity.