Sanfloren City



1 year, 7 months ago


Sanfloren City

Sanfloren City
"The metropolis of history."
Sanfloren City

Sanfloren City is a fortress city situated on a distant island between the Unova region and the Paldea region. It has a year-round tropical climate and a population of over 231 citizens. The city itself is based on the historic district of San Juan, Puerto Rico, known as Old San Juan. Many tourists and Pokemon Trainers from all over the world come to admire the history that can be found within its rising cobblestone streets. Its combination of battle facilities, tourist spots, and vibrant culture make it the perfect destination for Pokémon masters.

Places of interest
Sanfloren Gym

Sanfloren City's gym is located in the heart of the historic town and acts as one of its many landmarks. It is recognized by both the Unova and Paldea leagues. As such, Sanflorians challenge the gym and then choose to travel abroad to complete their league journey in other regions of the world. The gym itself has not set typing because its leader is replaced on an annual basis. The Gym Leader of the Sanloren Gym is chosen by the community. The position is typically given to an outstanding Sanflorian who contributes to the community in a special and significant way. Sanflorians see the position as an honor and treat it as one of great responsibility. Thus, the gym itself is known for its difficulty and the strength of its trainers. Sanflorians who best their beloved gym have no trouble sweeping through leagues in parts unknown.

The Plaza Cafe

The Plaza Cafe is a wonderful place where people and Pokémon can enjoy various kinds of pastries, sweets, and baked goods alongside a delectable selection of coffee drinks. However, the delicacies on display are coveted by many, and thus, patrons are subjected to a gauntlet of battles from trainers trying to take their spot at the table. If a patron survives the gauntlet, they get the chance to battle the owner of the Plaza Cafe, Sanfloren’s very own Meria Fortuna. Patrons who complete the gauntlet and best Meria are rewarded with randomly assorted gifts, ranging from berries to competitively viable items. The Plaza Cafe offers courses for Single and Double battles. For every seven trainers defeated, the battling patron is rewarded with a pastry, sweet, or drink that replenishes their Pokémon’s health. Meria will challenge patrons on their 21st and 49th battles and will continue to provide free food items if the patron can fight past their initial paid food order.

Alma Freesia School for Aspiring Trainers

A boarding school founded by a former champion. The school’s main goal is to provide free education and housing for students of low-income families. The entirety of the school’s faculty are highly skilled in Pokémon battles and excel at combining type specialties with various career paths. Thus, the school itself serves as a makeshift Pokémon League with its headmistress serving as the champion.

Festival of History

Sanfloren's residents have an annual four-day celebration called the Festival of History. The festival's beginning is marked by a moment of silence, honoring those who once called the city their home. After that, celebrations immediately begin, offering visitors and locals alike a plethora of entertainment, artistry, and Pokémon-themed events.

Grand Fleet Celebration

The city of Sanfloren hosts a three-day arrival and welcome party for the Grand Fleet of Nations, a fleet composed of ships from all the regions across the globe. Residents and tourists are welcome to board the various vessels on display. Sailors of the fleet are often challenged by locals, offering tourists a world class platter of battle styles and cultures.


Due to its climate, Sanfloren's pokedex shares many of the same pokemon as Alola! Due to its history, it also has many pokemon found in various other regions such as Unova and Paldea. Visit the Sanfloren Pokedex page for a full list of its local wildlife!

Sanfloren City
From Santo (Spanish word meaning Saint) and Flor (Spanish word meaning Flower)
Sanfloren City
Same as English name
Code by: RakuraiKaze