

6 years, 3 months ago


WIP! Old info:

Gang Leader

Hes the head of a gang that has ties to mafia and is renowned for being scary and ruthless But he will cry at the first note of Black parade

Malice like when you see him you just think "goth" But those who know him know that he's so much more than a goth  Like if looks could kill  Malice could kill anyone  He also  Probably snorts when he laughs for real  It sounds adorable but if you make fun of it you dead

Malice also really really loves his hair being played with/styled.  This is how he finds Aeron.  They'll have like whole sessions where they listen to My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco.  And Aeron will braid and play with Malice's hair forhim.  Ranting about how Malice has to find a datemate who will be able to give him the love he deserves even if he runs a gang.

And you better not call Malice's hair a mullet

You will die

A slow death

Aeron introduces Malice to Mattia and Aiden :

Aeron just like  "I want you to meet some of my friends" 

"Aeron you know I don't like people and they don't like me. What kind of friends would be okay with a boss of a gang? What do I bring to a relationship exactly?" 

Aeron would snicker. "Your looks and you. Even though you don't like your followers to know you are adorable through and through." 

Malice would just grumble and growl at Aeron. The only person who can tell him he's cute and get away with it