


6 years, 3 months ago


General Information
Full Name: Iccarus Windsgrace
Gender: Male

Age: whatever the dragon version of early 20's is
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/Demi
Marital Status: Single until noble family interference
Mate: N/A
Date of Birth: Feb 19
Birthplace: Windsgrace manor
Current Residence: Iccarus travels as much as he can, but always ends up back at his family's residence at some point.
Theme Song: ???

Personal Information
Attitude: Iccaras tries his best to act like he is in charge, but isn't as skilled at politics or combat as he would like to be. He hates it whenever he stumbles over his words or says something dumb. He's somewhat formal, but can be afactonate around close friends or his brother which he just assumed they would get along will due to their shared blood. He isn't the best at picking up on the subtle details of a social situation. He has a habit of occasionally saying dramatic things to try and sound important. In summary he is want a be tyrant who is more of a loveable dork.
Favorite Food: 
Likes: alchemy, knowledge, comic books, philosophy, astronomy, history, seeing and eating wildlife, gems and other pretty sparkly things, having friends.
Dislikes: His greatest fear is never being able to improve and being incompetent forever. He also dislikes being lonely and having nothing to read.