


1 year, 7 months ago


I'm here, everythings alright /lyr
name Chester (Ches)
age 18-25
pronouns He/Him
species Fire/deer Spirit(?)
Demeanor Quiet & Cuddly
Bday 10/21/22

code jiko


Chessy is just a lil spirit I will project a little on, he was created while I listening to Cavetown and in a hyper mood. He is just my lil baby that gives warm hugs

Comforting others, Cats, Baby animals, Hugging/Cuddling with loved ones, Being loved on, recieving gifts (specially plushies), Listening to rain while reading, Fantasy books, Space, The ocean
Cold areas, Being in rain/wet without coat, Bitter food, Repetitive high pitched squeaking (ex:shoe sqeaking), Not being able to comfort someone, Rude/mean people, Dogs, Overstimulating areas

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

He is sweet and likes to help others, either by giving them a warm hug or giving them gifts, he likes to see people smile. His favorite part about helping others is the noises they make, whether is a squeal or a laugh he likes to repeat the noise of the last person he helped to himself when he feels happy later on. If they made no noise, he will be confused (he doesn't exactly understand people completely) and be self conscious about it but wont confront the person.

Chessy likes candy corn and when they are in stock he loves to buy them and est them himself instead of giving it to kids for halloween. On Halloween he just gives some candy bars or chocolates for the kids to choose from. He likes to drink tea, he doesnt mind any as long as it has no honey. He doesnt really like honey nor syrup due to their stickyness. Ches finds it annoying when it gets stuck in his fur or on his hooves.

He happy stims :33

"he looks like a potato that got lit on fire"

- My friend 😭

Design Notes
  • Tail is able to be hidden.
  • Though his hoove hand things and head are detached they move like if they had limbs connecting them to the body, but they can be turned 360 degrees.
  • Doesnt have any genetals, though before transition did have a slight chest.
  • Pants-less loser.
  • His favorite kind of cookie is Sugar cookies, but he doesnt like that they crumble so easily. He loves how soft they are though.
  • Ches is only able to speak in squeaks, though he can replicate noises (somewhat) and enjoys doing so. (Ex: His favoirte character, lets say Marcy from Amphibia, says something he finds funny he might try and repeat it to himself later.
  • He is basically a cat, and loves to pet them and take care of them but isnt ready to take home one of his own. Chester can sleep in uncomfterble positions and places, he also can purr like a cat and tends to curl up on himself while he sleeps.
  • Fire on head/tail is warm but not hot, and it will not burn anything (unless extremly flamable), if touched it feels like a tickle.
  • If around one long enough he can set off a fire alarm.
  • Eats food by burning it in his mouth (anything burns once in his mouth) and swallowing the ashes.

Music Box
Where do the boys go when it gets cold out?
Do they have a place to sleep?
Where did their mums go?
Did they get taken?
Or had they had enough of taking care of things?
It's hard to say if someone's at fault
If I don't do anything, is it my fault?
Where do the girls go when they feel frightened
Do they have something to eat?
Where did their dads go?
Did they get taken?
Or had they had enough of taking care of things?
I've gotta find a way to make this feel okay
When rock bottom for me is routine for someone else
I'm gonna take care of things
There's things I need to sort out
I'm gonna take care of things
'Cause they're not where I want them right now
I know there's good in everything
And it'll show itself when you're gentle to it
I'm gonna take care of things
Where does my mind go when it gets stupid?
Is there anyone in there?
Where did my friends go?
Did they get taken?
Or had they had enough of going to therapy?
Sat in a cold room, the corners feel friendly
I think they'll take care of me
My brothers are circles, my sisters quadrilaterals
And they're all so pretty
I'm gonna take care of things
There's things I need to sort out
I'm gonna take care of things
They're not where I need them right now
I know there's good in everything
And it'll show itself when you're gentle to it
I'm gonna take care of things
I'm gonna take care of things