


1 year, 7 months ago


Pan flag colours <3
Also I don't really have thoughts I just keep writing stuff lol I might make this better and clearer eventually lol

She's a Sanitised Octoling who primarily lives in the Deep Sea Metro, with other Sanitised -lings and Octarians. Aureila accidentally stumbled upon the Metro one day, after hearing about the disappearances of other Octarians, and never left. Though not much of a fighter, rarely coming into contact with others, she seems to enjoy the smaller things like Salmon Run, occasionally leaving the Metro to work. Yes, she sorta scares the residents of Splatsville, but she seems really good at work so they try to not question it too much. Her style is "fresh" as long as she doesn't stare at people, because she has that dead stare which is unsettling for people.
Aureila works with the other Sanitised -lings occasionally, wondering around the Deep Sea Metro and keeping outsiders away, protecting their home because society isn't too fond of them. They're all considered 'dead' and, being shells of their former selves, and sometimes people come by to take them down so they need to protect their home. It isn't an ideal place to live but, well, what else can they do? Aureila is fine with her hat and outfit, and listening to the music from their few creators, and sitting around doing nothingĀ