Cursed Spirits/ Curse



1 year, 7 months ago


Characters that are spirits will have the "Spirit" tag! It will also be listed in their bio.

Cursed Spirits are members of Truffle's (or Salem's) bloodline who have died, and are eternally immortal as they come back after being killed through force or illness, and don't seem to age physically. The curse was originally created when Salem made a deal with an god who didn't keep his word.


  • Spirits will always have two or four long ribbons hanging from their back, and they will always be the same color as the person's eyes. They are like feelers, extra arms just not as strong. They can be cut or torn off and do not bleed, they will always grow back within a couple days or week after being removed. They can also allow the spirit to feel the emotions of someone else if a ribbon is wrapped around their wrist, ankle, or tail.

  • Spirits can possess other spirits, during this the spirit that is being possessed will not be able to experience or recall the things that the spirit possessing them did while using their body (However, ONLY spirits with FOUR ribbons can possess others)

  • Spirits always have (some of) these abilities: Floating/flying, becoming invisible, teleportation, and moving freely through objects. The strength of these may vary for some spirits, or some might be completely missing some of them because having all of them would be pretty OP.

  • Spirits will always appear the same age (or slightly younger) that they died as.

  • Spirits can't have children after their first death.

  • They can be killed through force, and if do their form will be reduced into a bow and it will take them a random amount of time to regenerate. The bow cannot be destroyed in any known way.

  • They will always have some kind of scar on their body to signify how they died, this can vary from barely noticeable to causing a disability.

  • Spirits do not have to eat or sleep, but they still can if they want.

  • When a person dies and becomes a spirit, their body disappears with barely a trace. There might be blood or fur, but nothing else.

Other Info/ Lore

When a person dies for the first time and becomes a spirit, they will have some kind of downside after their death. For most, it will be being completely invisible to everyone (except guardians) for a random amount of years, which can range from 2-3 years to centuries, although it is usually never that extreme (Ex; Vincent was invisible to everyone for 32 years after his death). This can usually lead into a downward spiral into insanity.