Renato (and Vito)



1 year, 8 months ago


Renato Cambiarsi (and Vito)


Founder of Eon's school, Chameleon High

Renato Cambiarsi was an Italian man who after falling into a rift in his early 20’s, started jotting his journeys around Genesis, the new planet he had landed on, and trying to learn about and understand the huge diverse populations around him. 

Eventually, after bonding with and making several groups of friends on the planet, he decided to found Chameleon High as a way to “bring together” all of the diverse peoples to learn from one another. 

His pet chameleon, “Vito”, ended up being blessed as an eternal by Chaos after a freak accident, which caused Renato a lot of grief. Chaos felt pity and saw how important this random ass Chameleon was to the people so he let it live a little longer allowing it to die on its own terms. The jokes on him though, because the Chameleon DIDN’T die, in fact, Vito is still alive to this day! He has grown SUBSTANTIALLY LARGE post Eternality and now lives in a giant terrarium inside the school, he is tended to and fed regularly by the staff and students.