Captain 3



1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Bud

Nickname(s): Captain 3, Cap'n, Three, DJ Sango

Gender: Transfem Nonbinary

Pronouns: They/them

Age: 22 (as of the beginning of splat3 story mode)

Height: 5'9"

Species: Inkling (Whip-lash squid)

Main Weapon(s): Hero Shot (or Blaster but only in turf/ranked)

About: Autistic. Very incredibly face-blind and has a hard time with expressing emotion. Bud had lived in Inkopolis their whole life, getting kicked out of their parents' house shortly after gaining the ability to change forms at 15. With their few possessions stashed in a backpack, they made their way to sign up for turf, spotting an old man trying to get their attention from a sewer grate. With their... admittedly very tiny amount of options and less-than-ideal emotional state they choose to follow him through, officially meeting Craig Cuttlefish and kick-starting their new life as Agent 3 of the Squidbeak Splatoon.

They had a bit of a shaky start at first, never having used a turf weapon at all before, but their passion – or stubbornness, it was hard to tell really – for learning quickly earned them Cuttlefish's respect (as if he wasn’t signing the adoption papers already).

Likes: The Squidbeak Splatoon, shitty impact font memes, making song mashups/remixes, having Things to Do, rythm games

Dislikes: Being worried about, losing repeatedly, migraines, cold weather


Craig Cuttlefish - Thought he was a weird old man at first. They still think that but they see him as more of a grandpa figure now.

Callie - Was (and still is) a huge fan of the Squid Sisters. Kinda intimidated by her energy but enjoys her presence nonetheless. Gains a sibling-like relationship with her and Marie after getting engrossed in agent work.

Marie - Again; is huge fan of the Squid Sisters and feels like part of their family now. Antagonizes her with stupid memes and regular sibling antics.

Agent 4 - Pretty good friends, but doesn't really talk to her a lot outside of agent work nowadays unless she initiates a conversation first. Teases him about how short he is and they usually end up wrestling about it.

Ex-Agent 8 - Oh boy. Tried to kill him twice but the second time was thanks to being mind controlled by weird AI goop so that definitely doesn't count. Lived with him for a bit after the metro but lost contact with him after he moved. Had (and still has) a gay little crush.