August Romana



1 year, 7 months ago


August Romana
9 sweeps
Heir of Light
electedEgalitarian [EE]

His Righteous Objectiveness, aka The Objectiv


August is hardheaded, stubborn, and unyielding. He always thinks he knows what is best to do, and will dig in his heels when told otherwise. When he sets his mind to a task, he WILL see it through to the end unless he is dragged away from it. Getting him to change his mind is not an easy thing to do. He gets tunnel vision about things, be it on a task or an idea. But ultimately he has a good heart and wants nothing more than to help people, he just has his own way of helping. He loves to learn and experiment, spending hours reading through books or watching documentaries or disassembling machines or toys trying to figure out how they work and how to put them back together or improve them.


The emperor has produced an heir, a young troll by the name of August Romana. He hasn’t earned his title officially yet, as he hasn’t claimed his seat on the throne, but he titles himself His Righteous Objectiveness, aka the Objectiv, but sometimes people mockingly call him the Brat Prince. He's a little mysterious, keeping to himself and avoiding crowds most of the time, but the information about him that has reached the public eye is very telling.

August was hatched deaf, but his lusus taught him sign language and how to speak and lipread. But due to this disability, some think he is unfit to even try to be emperor. His anscestor has made his opinion of his progeny quite clear, seeing him as weak and pathetic. August tries not to let this get to him, but he sometimes wonder if the reason why he trains so hard is because he genuinely likes sparring or because wants to prove him wrong.

Rumor has it that he doesn’t plan to challenge his ancestor for the throne, planning to just roll over and concede himself to taking care of the royal lusus, a giant crablike creature called Basatan. This fact has surprised many people, as August is known for being stubborn, headstrong, and kind of a nightmare to interact with due to his single-minded drive and conviction which borders on tunnel vision. But other rumors say that this rumor is a cover-up to throw the Fantasma off guard to make defeating him easier. Or that he’s conceding to let a different party take over instead of him. Some people think it may have something to due with the fact that August was hatched deaf, though some say there are ulterior motives.


His preferred weapon is a bident made of twisted black metal, which he forged himself during a period of time where he was really into blacksmithing. He has never been seen without his arm socks, only takes them off to sleep and bathe. And for the first time in sweeps, the royal lusus Basatan has been seen swimming freely in the ocean. Turns out, he’s really friendly! He loves his charge with his whole crabby heart, but he also gets along with all trolls, especially young ones. He can be seen scuttling along the shore catching food that people throw to him or strolling along the deep ocean floor, eating seaweed and coral, sometimes with his charge sitting or napping peacefully on his back. His sign name is the letter A and the sign for crab.

Brat PrIInce IIndeed. IIf that's what they call people who don't gIIve IIn to theIIr bullshIIt, then they can call me a brat all they lIIke.