


1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Oekaki Link

N/A; won from Discord game. DV#177


Alcremie x Braixen Fusion - The Cream Fox Pokemon!
Fairy Type

Crucible is a perfumer- he makes a living by playing around in a lab, mixing weird chemicals and plant extracts in an effort to create the latest scent sensation! Thing is though, while he IS mildly sucuessful, he seems to be far better at accidentally creating explosives, powerful acids, fainting juice, stink bombs... he even created a formula that makes you temporarily invisible when you dab a bit behind your ears. Thing is, it wasn't what he was going for, so he dumped the whole thing down the well in the town square and... well... the resulting plague of invisibility lasted a week.

Do NOT call him a mad scientist. He most definitely is not.

He's listed on the payroll for Pepper's team because his girlfriend- Beauty - is one of Pepper's field agents and had the bright idea to take some of Crucible's less successful scents and turn them into assets for Team Dawnbreak. The fainting juice and stink bombs have been ESPECIALLY helpful in a defense capacity! Thus, Crucible can loosely be considered one of the Team's equipment managers, though it's not his primary career. He even has a secondary lab at team headquarters! He can usually be found either there or in the lab he keeps in his home, mixing various vials and beakers to see what happens. Unless, that is, Beauty has managed to lure him out for a stroll through town.