
🌟 Zyth 🌟

"The stars are beautiful tonight..."

Anxious ☆ Gentile ☆ Loving ☆ Caring

Also Known As: Zy, Ziggy, Zee

Apparent Age: 23

Actual Age: 40-ish years (He's a young babu)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Marital Status:-

Love Interest:\

Status: Active

Alignment: Neutral

Birthplace: Unknown

Current Residence: His coffee shop/Occasionally his moon

Occupation: Coffee Dust's owner/Barista

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☆ Personal Information

Favorite Foods:
+Coffee (Caramel Macchiatto Frappe is most favorite<'3)
+Cookies 'n Cream IceCream
+Sweets! (Primarily cookies and pies)

+Being around others of his kind
+Children (Especially Eliore/Elomimi children)
+Coffee (Sweet kinds<'3)
+High Places
+Particularly fond of clock towers(Loves the sounds of them)
+His ears scratched! Perfect way to relax the anxious bby
+Sweets! Particularly chocolate
+Coming up with new coffee blends
+Working at his shop <'3

-Being teased for his little wings
-His tail being messed with unless he trusts the person
-Hot places/Fire (QAQITBURNSUS)
-Being alone
-Loud noises
-People crying (hemustcomfort)

☆ Family ☆

Unaware of them; Considers Lune, Aeron, and Chaya his family.

is like the big brother he never had; though their relationship is a little weird. The first time they met, Zyth was an innocent child... unintentionally calling the smaller more aggressive eliore "Lulu," simply because he was transfixed on how gorgeous he looked to him, making Lune sputter and drop his coffee.

The smaller eliore is also the one that taught Zeth about... bedroom adventures, as he slipped him drugs around the first time they met and... the normally soft Eliore discovered he's very much a dominant top as Lune let him explore that side of himself (even if he barely remembers it from the drugs). They both pretty well keep it as an unsaid agreement for them to have no strings attached in these adventures, as Zyth knows Lune is a very adventurous soul when it comes to those intimacies and he's also in a relationship with two other eliores that have more tie to him romantically.

However, Zyth's connection to Lune runs deeper than just these first little things. Lune's tendencies to harm himself and shy away from people only prove to bring the gentile eliore closer to the self destructive guy, as the soft boy is one to put himself in harm's way to make things better for those he cares for. Even if things hurt to see from him, Zyth does his best to show him things are okay, even if it seems to Lune that they're not, sometimes taking away what Lune is using to harm himself and giving him a look that begs him to stop, as the younger eliore needs him there. Being younger than Lune, he sees him as a fighter. His hero. The one that can't be knocked down and even if he is, Zyth still doesn't see him as weak. Even if the smaller eliore is far more broken than everyone sees, even further than Zyth himself can see, they're not so different in that neither knew their parents and had to grow up by themselves and tries to show Lune that this little group is their family. No matter what, Zyth will try his hardest to keep them together and remind Lune that he can be who he is...and Zyth will Never reject him.

is another eliore that Zyth considers a brother... and theirs is more like what you'd expect from brothers. The first time Zyth met Aeron was the day he came into his shop seeming scarily angry about something... but after a couple questions about the tall eliore's personality, Zyth made sure to give him exactly the coffee flavor that fit with him, seeming to make his day with it, but still found the teal eliore to be a bit frightening in the mornings after that.

Zyth's affections for Aeron reside in just how sweet he is and are pushed further by his worries about him drinking so much coffee to the point it's literally seen as an addiction... which Zyth had only recently learned was likely a bad thing through his experiences with Lune. As Zyth's shop seemed to be a safe haven for more than just himself, he built sleeping booths in the back of his shop but made the booth closest to the counter for Aeron, giving him the perfect place to sleep after the teal eliore let it slip once that he felt at home in his shop... and the ever attentive eliore noticed Aeron falling asleep and resting peacefully when he didn't anywhere else. Zyth became incredibly protective over him after this, realizing that, even with his height, Aeron was incredibly soft and he spotted the signs of anxiety that he himself held beneath a skittish exterior and a soft voice. It didn't take long for Zyth to realize that there was more in common between him and Aeron than just their anxiety... Both of them tend to overwork themselves to keep their minds busy; also being the reason why Zyth is always working at his shop and keeps it open 24/7. He always noticed a smile mirroring his own on Aeron's lips each time the shy eliore gave whoever he was serving a smile with their coffee... and realized, somehow, that just by seeing how happy his smile made Aeron... it, in turn, made Zyth happy as well.

However, things weren't always easy with them... and, like every family, the two had their downs and firsts. The first time he truly raised his voice was after Aeron unintentionally hurt him physically, making the eliore all but run from the confused young eliore, fearing that he'd hurt all of them after that and instantly became distant from the group. Zyth had enough one day after many, many days of Aeron being physically and emotionally distant from them and confronted him. That day was a day of firsts... First raise of his voice and first violent act from the otherwise gentile eliore... but it wasn't for nothing when he yelled at him to shut up and slammed Aeron against the nearest wall...Something that he would never have done before then and managed to get Aeron to see that the family they'd made with Chaya and Lune was something that wasn't so easily crumbled away... that this group was tight knit and needed eachother. They'd protect eachother and stop eachother if things got out of hand. Like his promise to Lune, he vowed out loud to keep them together and made a promise to stop Aeron if he ever got out of control...As he hoped they would too, if it ever came to that.


was definitely one of the more prominant eliores to have an effect on his life... as she's definitely the first he truly began to see as a mother figure to him, which meant more than he could ever say. Upon first meeting her, she tripped up to the counter and his immediate response was to rush to her side, becoming captivated by the mute eliore that spoke in... flowers. He'd never heard of anyone communicating that way and took his time trying to understand what those flowers meant, if only for the sake of speaking to her. He took his time learning about her and, far faster than any of them expected... she became the mother figure to all three of them.

Zyth became quickly attached to the mute eliore... learning after a time that she didn't have a name... which was quickly remedied as the boys named her Chaya, meaning 'Life' and she was... actually a bit more of a clutz than her beauty let on, but it was even more of a reason for Zyth to stay around her, as did the other two boys. She rapidly became who Zyth ran to when he couldn't take the thoughts rushing around in his head...or the tears and shakes he couldn't control when he became overwhelmed. He was terrified of everything he wasn't sure of or things he didn't know; making his mind slowly crumble over time, but she always managed to relax him and pull him back from places he kept silent from everyone else. She understood, much like he'd found Lune and Aeron did. While Lune taught her to speak, Zyth taught her songs. Lullabys and dances. How to move IN those dances without falling all over herself...even though she couldn't otherwise...

Before he knew it... She made a world for the three of them that they'd never forget. A world they always needed. They were tied together by memories of pain and anguish... thoughts that they'd never speak to anyone else... Scars left beneath smiles and laughter. She put gold in the cracks of their wounds and made them beautiful. Relaxed fears that none of them could speak enough words to explain... and didn't have to. Depite her clear lack of expertise in... many things... She excelled in understanding that they need her. She's Zyth's home... His mom he never knew.

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☆ Trivia

♡ Loves to float around/levitate instead of walking when he's being lazy
♡ Is very much a cuddler! Though he'll get bashful about it if questioned...
♡ Shape-shifts simply for his job or when walking around so he doesn't frighten any humans.
♡ Tries to slip from sight with the species' transparency ability when embarrassed/scared (FREQUENTLY)
♡ Loves to sing/dance, even if it's only by himself
♡ His little wings flitter and flap when he's excited or embarrassed
♡ Ears wiggle in excitement/Droop when he's upset or worried
♡ Sometimes bumps into things or squints to see people; Eyesight for his species isn't all that good >>;
♡ Will melt like a puppy into someone's lap or on their shoulder if they rub his ears (Best way to calm him down, too <'3)
♡ Becomes fiercely protective and almost dangerous if you seem to be of any threat to his family.

☆ Biography


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☆ Physical Information

Species: Eliore

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150lbs

Physical Strengths/Weaknesses:

+Exceptionally strong, but won't use it

Mental Strengths/Weaknesses:
- Afraid of loud noises
- Brave in the face of danger (Typically won't run away, especially if someone he cares about is in danger)

Skills and Talents:
- Baking
- Singing
- Coffee Brewing

Powers and Abilities:
- Transparency: They can assume a semi-transparency over their entire bodies for a short period of time should they want to keep hidden.
♡Semi-Transperancy meaning that their bodies will still slightly glimmer at the touch of moonlight should you look closely enough
- Shape-shifting
♡Eliore can shapeshift into a humanoid species of their choosing should they reside in the current planet.
♡They retain their Eliore-form's eye color ALWAYS
♡When Eliore are in the midst of shapeshifting, they cannot levitate or assume transparency. All of the Eliore's energy goes into maintaining the transformation and thus, they can't really do much else.
-Levitation: They don't really fly tbh <'3

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☆ Relationships


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This template was created by Wicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission