


6 years, 4 months ago


Basic Bio

Name: Mimic

Age: Legal. We all know that's all anyone really cares about here.

Hair: White, Round cut bangs, Short pigtails

Skin: Black

Eyes: Mint Green with X pupils

Height: 5'7"

Sex: Male

Pronouns: They/Them/He

Orientation: The equivalent of a broken spinning compass, Not Romance-able

Favorite Food: Vanilla Smoothie

Least Favorite Food: Sour Patch Kids

Night Owl

Skills: Miming, Running, Acrobatics, Joking Around, Fist Fighting, Productive Procrastination

Power: Inspiration--They can conjure up any weapon with their imagination, but it has to be something someone else thought up. They cannot use their own thoughts/creations/ideas to use their powers, so if someone isn't with them to think up stuff for them to use, the most Mimic can do is fight with their fists. All weapons are temporary and semi-transparent, if Mimic runs out of energy or the fight ends, the weapon disappears. 

Mimic is a human, but not from any normal reality that you'd come across. They don't wear make-up except for the white dots on their cheeks. How they came to be is pretty standard; parents got together, Mimic was born, Mimic was weird, and now Mimic just Is. They don't really have a world yet so their plot and story is very short, which means their bio is short too. For now this is about all we know of Mimic, but as time goes on their story will grow.