
1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info


2020; revamped 2021


Still lion on paper, but much more domestic cat in practice


They/them, very hesitantly she/her


Both iterations of this fursona were designed by my bestie Hella, who you can find at . She put up with a LOT of flip-flopping and she's probably taken more commissions from me for specifically Design Stuff than anybody else I've ever worked with, and I'm grateful for her patience about it, cause good god

Went even longer and fluffier with the hair, added tabby stripes (because I was starting to figure out what I would later identify as otherkin feelings, and being stripey made me feel nice), and added lots of fluff (for both the aforementioned and for aesthetic reasons; I like the bulky forearms look, which is part of why I like big dumb paws).

This fursona saw the first open experimentation with being A Girl, but still erred towards androgyny much of the time, until being retouched by my friend Hella (who helped with the original design as well) to make it more explicitly feminine.