Atlas's Comments

Hello from a random stranger! :o hope you're having a lovely day! 

I watch Icefall, so this dude was in my notifs, and I thought maybe I could offer name help? :3 feel free to decline any of the name ideas lD 

Overall, To me they look like an Allister. 

However they also look like a Moss or Jordan

Have a great day! 'w' b

Oh those names are so cute! I love Alister, I would totally pick that one if a friend of mine didn’t just name a character Alister just a week ago 😂 (We talk about our ocs together a lot so it might be confusing) I do really like the sound of all those names though! I’ll definitely use them for inspiration when picking his! I appreciate this a lot! Thank you for your awesome ideas!

Lol no worries! :3 I have a few friends who are OC enthusiasts as well! I totally understand XD 

Glad I could help even if a little :3 have a lovely day