
6 years, 3 months ago
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"So go do what you like, make sure you do it wise"

Basics: Winchester is a simple and straightforward character. He is an honest worker but does not have high aspirations, instead choosing to be simply content with the life that he lives. He doesn't like change, but does not get bored easily, instead being happy with how things are without feeling the need to change them. He doesn't feel much curiosity, nor does he show much emotion. His expression is neutral most of the time. He is honest to those he meets, straightforward but not outwardly friendly. He prefers to spend time on his own, going mostly between his rented room in the city and the rich town where he works as a guard.

Obtained from designer for $6, worth $10

Notify designer if planning to sell or trade

Drawing notes: Winchester's design is symmetrical. His collar is required and should be drawn with no tags.

"You may find out that your self-doubt means nothing was ever there"

【 Name 】 Winchester 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 28 【 D.o.B. 】 May 14th
【 Alignment 】 Lawful Neutral 【 Race 】 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
【 Role 】 Body Guard 【 Theme 】 When I Come Around

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Winchester is a strong and well-built Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is of average height, but of thick and athletic build; clearly someone who has trained long and hard for the strength that he has. He has a bobbed tail and long, wiry hair. His green eyes are always bright and intense, and he does not often smile or show positive emotions.


Winchester lives in the Middle Eastern desert-based kingdom; in one of the oasis-like lush forests in the kingdom, where a large town had been established by the richest in the kingdom, and easy trip to the central city. This town is known for wealth and excess, but is well-protected by hired help who look over the town. The mansions in the town is centered


Winchester is a body guard for hire in the richest town of his kingdom. He works for whoever is willing to hire him; sometimes guarding the private property of the rich and famous and sometimes working as a personal body guard protecting the wealthy on their trips into the city or around town. This is a well-paying town, allowing him to live in the city and travel out to the town for his work. He is respected and trusted by those in the town and generally does not have any trouble finding work. It is not, however, a job he cares much about, though he will always work well for his paycheck.


Winchester is generally a neutral and simple personality. He tends not to have strong opinions on much, preferring simply to lay low, not needing his voice to be heard. It isn't that he is passive or that he doesn't care-- it's simply that he doesn't feel the need to react strongly to much in his life. He has never been known to take a strong stand of feel that he must be listened to. He speaks straight-forwardly, without raising his voice or truly much inflection at all. His expressions are much the same way. He isn't passive, but he isn't exactly active either. He simply is. He is easily satisfied with things, without the need to seek more in his life. His aspirations are generally low. His main goal in life is simply to be content, something he is quite good at. He wishes to make a living enough to sustain himself, without much regard to exactly how this is accomplished so long as he is able to take care of himself. He doesn't seek higher goals and, in fact, rarely has large goals at all. He is simply content to be, and asks for nothing more out of his life.

Winchester is not a particularly hard worker. He works honestly, doing what is required of him without fail or excess laziness. However, he doesn't aim higher than that. He doesn't put in any excess energy into his work, or really into anything. He feels no need to take pride in his work. He is, however, committed to it. In all things, he is an honest worker, without need for more out of anything. Winchester communicates with others much the same way. He does not need to act warmly or friendly, but is straight-forward and honest. he doesn't lie or manipulate, but also doesn't go out of his way to please others. He is not particularly curious about anything, and is satisfied with the way things are without need for change or advancement. If anything, he does not like change, and is uncomfortable if too much in his environment changes.

Winchester takes the easiest path through life. It isn't that he is lazy, but he is definitely not revolutionary. He feels no need to be. He is an opportunist, driven to simply take the easiest and honest path. Normal life is comfortable and doesn't phase him. He doesn't bore easily, making him great at his job as a body guard or property guard. He takes some comfort in the repeatability of life, the pattern of his day to day routine.


Winchester grew up in the lower classes of the city. He was born to physical workers in the northern half of the kingdom; where stoneworkers and farmers were common and there was little money to go around. As such, he grew up with enough to be comfortable, but his family was never wealthy. He knew hard work from a young age as well. Due to the need to work in that part of the kingdom, he took a job as soon as he was physically able, finding himself training his own strength. Education fell to the way-side; a common outcome of the youth in the town where he was from, with there being more reason to be strong and willing that to be high educated. When he grew old enough, he grew tired and bored of the small town, and moved out to kingdom's capital city.

Winchester took the first job he could get, to work as a body guard, and never looked back or even looked for another job. His strength made him ideal for the job; making him intimidating enough to scare off potential thieves from his clients. At first, he worked within the city, acting as a personal body guard for those with the money to hire him, and training in defense techniques. Once he had enough strength training, he was hired to the rich town outside of the city, working for the richest of the kingdom. This allowed him to buy a room in the city, where he has lived contentedly ever since. He has generally low aspirations, being happy enough with his job even if it is not something he feels the need to work particularly hard at or take pride in his work. He is simply satisfied with his paycheck and happy to remain in the life he lives.
