Alex's Comments

If I got her, she'd be Charlie's younger sister! I'd imagine she'd be the rebellious teenager type, basically a rebel without a cause and always itching for a fight. She gets nosebleeds when she's angry and has the kind of voice where she actively has to try to make it sound intimidating, otherwise it would sound like you were getting yelled at by a piglet on helium. She used to have a really long mane of hair, but during middle school she cut most of it off to piss off her parents and now just has a Mohawk hanging in front of her face constantly. Another thing she did to piss off her parents was to start smoking. It's a nasty habit and she actually hates doing it, but no sacrifice is too great when it comes to showing everyone how cool you are.

Like Charlie, she's a feline/canine mix, though she has a lot more feline genes than her older sister does. The only place you can really see it in is her floppy ears. Speaking of Charlie, their relationship is kind, but strained. They used to be thick as thieves back when they were younger, but once Charlie went off to college and the younger sister was left all alone and becoming all the more disillusioned with her life, things kind of took a turn. Charlie worries for her baby sister and wants her to cut out all this bullshit before she gets hurt, which has led to more than a few screaming matches since their parents just gave up on trying. 

She thinks X is so, so cool and wants to get to know him better, but X is always just like "who is this sassy small child" and tells her to go home. 

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