Ruan Lin



6 years, 7 months ago


"The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage."

Well meaning and dedicated, but slightly hyper and eccentric, Ruan Lin is known for her rather unconventional actions. Though she was described as beautiful and charming by some, her enigmatic ways and desire for freedoms she believed marriage would take away made it difficult for her to marry, and for some time, it seemed like she never would. However, she eventually came to an accord with Guo Jia, who admired her spirit. While polite, Lin was never afraid to speak her mind, and often found herself talking circles around others in order to get her way. Her desire to keep her freedoms leaves her a bit selfish at times, but she begins to learn that she must put others first in the face of war.

Due to the initial nature of her marriage being a matter of politics and convenience, as well as a last resort on Lin's side, Lin didn't much care about what Guo Jia did in his time, nor about any flirtations. As per agreement, and as was usual per the time, he would help bear her a child to secure her future and she would do that which was required of her. He gave her the freedom she sought, but things began to change as time went on. She began to become agitated as his flirtations continued, but had a hard time becoming angry at him and his "stupid smile." she eventually had to accept that she had developed a sense of affection for her husband, which he was rather cheeky about with her. while his flirtations may have continued on and off as his nature demanded, he was, thankfully, fully devoted to his wife.

Weapon: Corded Blade/ or Hook Blades/ or Cane Sword

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