Dr. Amnesia



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Dr. Amnesia

Speices: Ring-Tailed Lemur

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Height: 4'9

Age: unknown

Backstory: not much is known about her past because of her memory loss she got from her ability, but whats most known is that she was a doctor that soon quit after realizing sje was slowly taking her patients memories without realizing. So she quit, and trained herself to use her abilities. And once she figured it out, she continued being a doctor, before quitting again because it was too much pressure for her.

Main ability: memory steal: the ability to steal people's memories slowly until they remember nothing about themselves, but once its activated, you wont know what memories she stole. All the memories are kept in a secret room in her house in jars when collected. When the jar containing the person's memories is broken, they'll get the memories back.

Other abilities: being able to stretch her tail as far as she can, kinda strong, kinda hard to penetrate her skin, being able to search through people's memories

Weaknesses: her terrible memory 

Fun facts: she used to be midnight's doctor, she still keeps her doctor outfit, she used to have a stand but now she doesnt and she can just.. see stands for some reason. She doesnt remember her actual name so she goes by Dr. Amnesia, She has ADHD, i got the idea for her after listening to Amnesia Was Her Name by lemon demon. Her color palette is even taken from the album for it.

Personally: a bit shy and anxious due to her abilities, and will sometimes forget things, but shes very nice when you get to know her, but she gets scared a bit easily and has a bit of a stutter problem.