


1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Vilya Thysania

Real Name:

Honey Twinkletoes




70 CM / 2.3 feet




Rogue, Arcane Trickster


May 29






Note: as of right now and where Vilya is in her story, I do not want art or comments about her being in sexual situations. That part of her has yet to be developed.

At only 11 years old, Honey decided to sneak into the carnival to see all the exciting sights. Unbeknownst to her, this would forever change her life.

As punishment for sneaking into the Witchlight carnival, Honey's vibrancy was taken from her, turning her once bright and pink self into a dark and dull one. As a result of this, her parents disowned her on the spot, disgusted by her new appearance.
"You will not sully our family like this! What would people think?! It's your own stupidity and ignorance that landed you in this position, don't come begging and crying to us. Don't come looking for us. There will be no place for you with us either way." 

Her parents dragged her brother Flix with them and that...was it. Just like that, she was on her own, abandoned. Days passed without Honey moving from the spot she was left, crying her eyes out, her heart aching, hoping she'd see them come back to her. Most of all she missed her big brother who had always been there for her, he was her best friend. There was no one she felt more safe with than him. But alas, he was gone too. 

Slowly she started using her small frame to her advantage to steal food and clothes. She mastered the art of slipping into the shadows and disappearing without a trace, her new dark appearance lending itself well to it. She started going by the name of Vilya instead, and with time, the sadness in her heart turned hateful. She was angry. Angry at everything and everyone for taking her family away from her. But deep down inside, when the sun went down, and she was all alone, she would cry herself to sleep, thinking of her family.

8 years have passed since then and rumors that the carnival is coming back are being heard left and right. Could this be her chance to finally regain her family? But...would she even want them back..? Vilya doesn't know the answer to that, but she can worry about that later. Right now she needs a ticket to that damn carnival.