
New description:
Yo! This was an old page I indirectly owned before I made my BowsAndHearts account. I changed the TOS a little regarding the crediting, so make sure to read it! I'd also like to thank flamingos for managing this page for so long! :D

Let me know if you have any questions! >.<


Old description (written by flamingos):
Hi everyone! This is definetly different from what I post cuz well...this isn't actually mine! This is for a little buddy of mine who wants to stay anonymous/ doesn't have social media. 

 I will transfer the files over to you and the credit will go to *THIS deviation. Do NOT credit any of my accounts! 


TOS (Slightly changed):

-People can change the design but it still needs to be recognizable to the original design

-No nsfw of these characters (being that the designer is a minor)

-*It's okay if previous buyers did not credit me before this page was transferred to me, but please credit me now if you can!

-No stealing/tracing/copying

-First come, first serve

 $6 each! 

1. Caterpillar Plush ||

2. Chinese toy phone || taken

3. Gummy Bear Candy || taken

4. Slinky Rainbow || taken

5. Dream Star Angel Bear || taken

6. Sunshine Sky Kite || taken

7. Birthday Party || taken

8. Purple Furby || taken

9. Pastel Bunny Rainbow || 

10. Teddy Bear || 

11. Emotional Clown Doll || 

12. Bubble Whistle Hammer || taken