


1 year, 7 months ago


[Name] Fthulas
[Age] 58
[Gender] Nonbinary / Masculin
[Pronounse] He / Him / TheyThem
[Sexuality]  Pansexual
[Race] Drow (Dark Elf)
[Class]  Hexblade Warlock

[Romantically and Sexually interested in] Xivu Anuke

I won't get into Ver'nal's entire backstory here, so the TLDR here is that he is a warlock that was experamented on by a crazy mad scientist named Ink. And as a result, he ended up with his pact with a patron by the name of Jjune. This pact was made with out either of their consent and they were forced together into a symbiotic relationship. Jjune becomes his weapon when he fights in battle, and also consumes objects fed to him in order to transmute them into other things. 

Ver'nal was more a slave the science and was not made to do work for the Temple of Lolth drow. He eventually was freed, and joined up with the rebellion and found his way to the caves where the rebels would eventually carve out their new village.

Personality & Quirks

He's very kind, and soft spoken. He doesn't shout at people

Jjune is a package deal, if you want to hang out with Ver'nal, you'll be hanging out with his black oozy symbiotic friend that always has the consistency of a sloppy ink-colored pudding. 

Ver'nal loves flowers, mostly baby blue ones.

He's very interested in Xivu, finding the quirky man to be one of the strangest he's met, but he loves all of the little thief's quirks... Especially the one where he stole his heart.

Yes, the sparkles are in fact natural. He seams to have a natural glow/sparkle/shimmer to him at all times. His hair even glows softly like dim moon light.