Moss creature 🥚



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Creature design by



Danger level: Unknown/No agression

Habitat: Deep unkept forests

Country: Finland

First seen: 12/02/2022

Last seen: 02/01/2024

I spotted something unique staring back at me from the thick forest.

So many eyes were glaring in my direction - of course i was scared.. Still for better or worse i lost sight of them and it didn't follow me home. That's how i started my journey of docomenting what lies in these untouched forests.

Photo taken 02/4/2012 by [grandpa]

Photo taken dd/mm/yyy by [name]

My grandfather told me about an egg he saw long ago. It looks to be from this creature. Here are my notes as i further explore the woods.

They are really shy, but curious. This being stays in deep forests, trying to blend in with the environment.

By following it's footsteps i found out that it's most likely a herbivore. It has been grazing on some plants. specifically berry bush leaves.

This is a creature of habit. each day they visit the same water source and walks around the same places. maybe that is it's territory?

Today was thundering and this being looked scared. It hid in a shallow cave the whole day. Is it scared of the loud noises?

Image from Unsplash
Code by HectorrOfHyrule