YCH Pony Carousel [$5/500Pts]



500 DeviantArt Points or $5 through Ko-Fi


Please read all and my ToS and list of what I can and will not draw before requesting

Copy the form below and fill it out in the comments or send to me in DMs
Character Name:
Full reference:
Pose: [ normal / running ]
Include accessories?:
Wings ( if any ): [ open / closed ]
Top colors / Design:
Décor colors / Design:
Pole/stand colors:
Bottom strip color:
Blood?: [ yes / no ]
Blood Color (if applicable):
Other Info:
Payment Type [DA Points/Ko-Fi]:

before sending payment, please wait for me to send you a link to the proper commission payment button
Payment must be sent through point commission or Ko-fi link that I provide when I confirm your order
Ko-Fi's service uses PayPal
You can track the progress of your commission on my Trello