


1 year, 8 months ago


Pack: Meadow Pack

Rank: Beta

Gender: Male

Age: 25 years

Height: 10 ft

Weight: 7 tons

Species: Zapex

Type: ---

Fur: Short


-Eyes: Organic 

-Horns: Thick

-Ears: Side

-Frill: Aquatic

Mutation: Tusked

Genotype: G/Y + Mel + C-blu/C-d/C-LD/C-me/C-So/U-bl/U-bri/U-p/U-Sp/R-fe/R-r/L-f/L-rf + LLLLLLLLLLLL

Phenotype: Green and yellow melanism with blush, dapple, large dots, merle, socks, blotched, brindle, patched, splatter, feathers, rosette, flame and reverse floral


S  [---] x D [---]

SS [---] x SD [---]  | DS [---] x DD [---]

SSS [---] x SSD [---] | SDS [---] x SDD [---] | DSS [---] x DSD [---] | DDS [---] x DDD [---]




-Strength : 25

-Speed : 20

-Intelligence : 15 

Personality + Background:

Arkata was born and raised in the Druid Pack, but he has decided to set out on his own to find a new pack. Upon treading into the forest, he doesn’t take long to find Solpor. Solpor is the current alpha of the Meadows Pack. Thankfully the other Zapex seemed friendly enough and seemed to know his way around the forest well enough to be seen as an ally.

However, being practically royalty, Arkata would be hard pressed to be anything but alpha of a pack. With some discussion, Solpor was able to convince him to be beta. He was new to this part of the forest and this territory has already been established. Solpor also had two betas that would back him up in a fight, if need be. Why bother meds with it?

Arkata is a very regal and proud Zapex. He is strong, and will defend those who matter to him. Don’t ever cross him, or he will destroy vow to destroy you.