


1 year, 7 months ago


For those familiar with dnd stuff, Pendroia is a dnd blue ravenite Dragonborn with some homebrew elements. She is a class fighter, subclass samurai, background folk hero, two handed great axe wielder, neutral good character. If that doesn’t mean anything to you don’t worry.

Pendroia like all Dragonborn is descended from a dragon, specifically Zaratan the shaking earth, a legendary blue dragon that serves as her deity. Unlike most Dragonborn however, Pendroia was blessed by Zaratan with more dragon blood than usual. As such, she is 9 feet tall and possesses the tail that regular Dragonborn lack. Pendroia believes she was given this blessing for a great destiny and will do just about anything in her power to fulfill that destiny. Her dragonborn clan also believes this, and sent her off to the city to make a name for herself. Which she did, she is now a folk hero that many people on the streets know as an unofficial protector of the people. She is smart and kind but her size tends to terrify people and she has trouble getting around in small and regular sized spaces. Despite her generally good intentions, her dragon blood leads her to desire to hoard money and she is thus very monetarily motivated. She will fight for you and protect you, but if you offer her your life savings for a mission she will not hesitate to take that money.

Through her adventures in the campaign I created her for, she has amassed a good chunk of money that has earned her a spot among the nobility of the city. As such, as well as honing her combat skill she must now learn the ways and manners of the city elite. She navigates social circles and battlefields with the same vigor and optimism, chasing her supposed destiny through both. 

She is working with one of the nobles to tackle the problems of the city including a corruption plot by another noble, a mysterious disease spread through unknown means, and devilish weapons that possess people in the same way the ring possessed golem in lord of the rings, except they also motivate those people to kill others. She has a small squadron under her command which she regularly trains and fights alongside.