


1 year, 10 months ago


"Hush, idiot! When I speak, you LISTEN! And listen well to what I'll say: your ears... your eyes... they're only things in your body of any inherent value. It's through them that the world teaches you, with empirical evidence and experience. And yet, all of it is WASTED as your pathetic excuse of a brain renders it useless and unprocessed! And if you haven't learnt anything in life... then let's see just how much you'll LEARN IN DEATH!"

Leviet's patron, a corrupted God of Order; now, God of Authority.

    Born of Fire and Aether, out of a necessity to help mankind organize itself with laws and structure.
    However, he became corrupted by Conquest, after growing infatuated with his own enchanting leadership and dominant aura.
    His extremist passion for law and order, and general discontent with mankind in its current phase have led Ruaidhri to seek establishing a unified state under which the entire world's population will be subjected to, with Leviet representing his divine figure on earth. He hopes his priest's cult will soon set the foundation for such state, through their collective preaching of authoritarian ideals under the false promises of salvation, inner peace and collective strenght.
