


1 year, 7 months ago



they/them • Sept of the River Kin
A large pale cream colorpoint with a mane of white fur around their neck. Has tall ears, a long face, and ice-blue eyes.

Gossamersong is a cat that likes to keep others guessing. Aloof and quiet, they come off as intimidating to many. This is something they are aware of with no desire to change. Gossamersong keeps their emotions inside and sees their distance from others as a strength; they have witnessed one too many ill-fated relationships crumble to dust during their lifetime. Their only close connections are lifelong.

Gossamersong makes sure that they’re hard to read on purpose; they prefer being vague and letting the other cat fill in the blanks. This causes many misconceptions and frustrations, but they rarely elaborate. They believe that keeping others thinking and on their toes makes a healthy, active mind. Gossamersong does not tolerate arguments; they will keep their opinions set in stone, simply shutting it down or walking away when there’s no clear solution. They actively ignore cats they don’t like and believe it to be rare for someone to change for the better.

Dedicated and headstrong, they believe they have a path of glory and is hellbent on following it, even if others get in the way. They are silently critical of clan life and desire grand changes to be made. However, they will do what must be done if it means they avoid punishment; if they were caught acting suspicious, they would simply trick the others out of their accusations. If the clan had an active underground rebellion, they’d make an excellent spy.

Gossamersong is well respected by other cats for their quick thinking and leadership skills. They work well under pressure and know how to put logic over emotion. (Most of the time, anyway.) Although seemingly cold and blunt, their hard-to-crack persona makes itself useful in times of trouble.

Gossamersong is very dedicated and protective of those they love… even if they don’t always go about it the right way. When they do accept their emotions, they are loud— just like their dreams of success, hell could freeze over before they give up on their passions. They use their vagueness to lie, to scare loved ones into doing “the right thing”. They sincerely do it out of love, for they fear loss more than anything else.

As an apprentice and young warrior, Gossamersong was much more open and outgoing.