


1 year, 6 months ago





Talented Artist





Weapon-class-polearm-icon.png Catalyst


Element_Hydro.svg Hydro

Modele Type

Medium Female

Real Name Rafiya Bilal
Birthday March 6th
Constellation Solus Cygnus
Region Sumeru
Special Dish 56488757_ywh6lfxH5LssrBE.png"Taste of Life"
How to Obtain Wishes
Release Date November 18, 2022
1 year ago
Genius Invokation TCG Character Card
Father Unnamed father
Mother Unnamed mother
English Stephanie Sheh
Chinese -
Japanese Mao Ichimichi (市道 真央 )
Korean -

Additional Titles

  • Ex student of Sumeru Akademiya
  • Masterful illustrator

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Rafiya is a playable Hydro character in Genshin Impact.

Rafiya is a young artist at Sumeru, famous for her icredible illustrations for books. Everyone knows her arts but not everyone guesses that she is the author, because she hides her works under a pseudonym because of innate modesty and uncertainty.

Contents [hide]

1. Gameplay Info

1.1. Ascensions and Stats

1.2. Talents

1.2.1. Talent Upgrade

1.3. Constellation

Gameplay Info

Ascensions and Stats

Ascension Phase Level Base HP Base
ATK [✦ 1]
Base DEF Special Stat [✦ 2]
(Energy Recharge)
0✦ 1/20 1,182 17 56 -
20/20 3,055 48 146

Ascension Cost (0 → 1)

1✦ 20/40 4,049 61 195 -
40/40 6,100 92 175

Ascension Cost (1 → 2)

2✦ 40/50 6,054 104 290 7.2%
50/50 6,965 121 339

Ascension Cost (2 → 3)

3✦ 50/60 7,800 135 370 14.4%
60/60 8,341 150 420

Ascension Cost (3 → 4)

4✦ 60/70 9,377 179 457 14.4%
70/70 10,306 260 500

Ascension Cost (4 → 5)

5✦ 70/80 10,945 190 531 21.6%
80/80 11,884 204 570

Ascension Cost (5 → 6)

6✦ 80/90 12,523 217 605 28.8%
90/90 13,470 234 657

1 Does not include weapon ATK value.

2 Characters gain special stats starting at Ascension 2 ✦.

Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)


Icon Name Type
Catalyst_Hydro.png Whispering Cascade Normal Attack
Normal Attack: Performs up to 4 gentle water splash attacks that deal Hydro DMG

Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal Aoe Hydro DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack: Gathering the might of Hydro, Rafiya plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals Aoe Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
dhc5b9c-b1e1f94b-bd9e-43f5-822c-8f3302b9 Aquatic Elegance Elemental Skill
Rafiya creates a protective barrier of swirling water knives around herself and nearby allies. This veil absorbs incoming damage and periodically releases healing water droplets that restore HP to the active character. The barrier persists even when Rafiya lefts the field.
dg2rr6o-2d4fc660-ccf5-421c-8c0b-a70d7765 Cerulean Deluge Elemental Burst
Rafiya summons a giant wave that hits all neardy enemies and dealing Aoe Hydro DMG.
dhc62l2-dc2441fa-e7c0-47d1-9e14-89c91b08 Whispering Tides 1st Ascension Passive
When Cerulean Deluge hits enemies, all party members increase their Energy Recharge by 15%
dhc62kq-47407f1b-d08b-4ca4-9c7f-ccb8a031 Ebb and Flow 4th Ascension Passive
When Aquatic Elegance or Cerulean Deluge triggers Vaporize, Electro-Charged, Frozen, Bloom or Hydro Swirl, Elemental Mastery of all party members will insrease for 10s.
Talent_Princess_of_Watatsumi.png Like Finsh in Water Utility Passive
Decreases swimming Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%.

Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Talent Upgrade

Talent Level Required Ascension Mora
Common Materials
Talent Level-Up Materials
1 → 2 2✦






2 → 3 3✦






3 → 4






4 → 5 4✦






5 → 6






6 → 7 5✦








7 → 8








8 → 9 6✦








9 → 10










Total Cost (1 → 10 for one talent)


Icon Name Level
dhc61kh-86a1a7c5-b95b-4794-9a80-aa7124b5 The First Sketch 1
After casting Aquatic Elegance, Normal Attack, Charged Attack and Plunging Attack will be converted into Hydro DMG which cannot be overridden by other Elemental infusions for 10 s.
dg2twqq-3077444f-ba75-4d48-913e-13dd56b0 Live Palette 2
When Aquatic Elegance hits opponents, Rafiya's Max HP will be increased by 20% for 15s.
dhc5a8y-c44e7733-d97d-424f-b5c5-cd17c165 A Moment of Contemplation 3
Increases the Level of Aquatic Elegance by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
dg2ty4a-f507b587-4786-4965-bffd-83d3cc23 Colors Merge 4
Opponents damaged by Cerulean Deluge will have their DEF decreased by 30% for 6s.
dg2twqj-43ec141a-457d-4aa9-a3dc-21598587 Multicolored Inks 5
Increases the Level of Cerulean Deluge by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
dhc5wxz-70165ec8-6772-451e-93ea-492b9dbc The Final Touch 6
When Aquatic Elegance is active, it periodically cleans all negative status from active character. Additionally, the healing effect of the water droplets is increased by 50%.

Each Constellation activation requires a Item_Stella_Fortuna_%284_Star%29.pngRafiya's Stella Fortuna.

Mauris in porta massa. Fusce condimentum est in leo sollicitudin, et condimentum velit euismod. Pellentesque sapien risus, maximus efficitur enim quis, blandit gravida ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec in augue eget dui commodo vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Proin vehicula ante urna, sed porttitor erat dignissim vel.


Contents [hide]

1. Personality

2. Appearance

3. Official Introduction

4. Character Stories

4.1. Character Details

4.2. Character Story 1

4.3. Character Story 2

4.4. Character Story 3

4.5. Character Story 4

4.6. Character Story 5

4.7. Character Story Header

4.8. Vision

5. Namecard

6. Constellation

7. Character Mentions

7.1. Character Voice-Overs

8. Trivia

8.1. Etymology


Mauris in porta massa. Fusce condimentum est in leo sollicitudin, et condimentum velit euismod. Pellentesque sapien risus, maximus efficitur enim quis, blandit gravida ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec in augue eget dui commodo vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Proin vehicula ante urna, sed porttitor erat dignissim vel.

—In-game character attributes and profile page text.

Nulla facilisi. Integer quis felis sapien. Fusce ultricies sed quam quis venenatis. Vestibulum aliquam consequat tellus, feugiat cursus sapien congue non. Integer auctor ipsum ligula, id auctor purus accumsan ut. Nunc condimentum lectus non odio aliquam dictum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce et justo lectus. Nam eget dolor id lorem ultricies lobortis. Cras facilisis suscipit nulla, sit amet vestibulum nibh convallis at.


Morbi id elementum libero. Quisque nec sem et nisl consequat aliquet eget sit amet metus. Donec aliquet mi sem, a ultricies ligula iaculis id. Aenean mauris est, ultricies eu diam et, eleifend placerat sapien. In pharetra sapien nec varius fringilla. Praesent ut dolor gravida, rhoncus eros at, ultricies lectus. Vivamus egestas varius sagittis. Nulla porta ligula ipsum, non sollicitudin ante mattis ac. Nunc sodales diam id eros volutpat, vel condimentum tellus aliquam. Quisque tincidunt lectus sit amet erat tincidunt sollicitudin. Fusce commodo ante eget volutpat cursus.

Official Introduction

Integer vitae sapien libero. Pellentesque vel iaculis sem. Duis volutpat est nibh, fermentum dignissim dui dignissim vel. Mauris tempus purus vel sollicitudin sagittis.

—Character who said quote

Quisque dictum mi at orci porttitor condimentum eu id sem. Aliquam mi mauris, varius id pharetra semper, feugiat vitae leo. Nulla blandit vehicula lacus, quis tincidunt justo. Quisque ultricies, est sed semper consequat, magna ante sagittis lacus, at porta lacus sapien et ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent posuere lobortis rutrum. Mauris ac massa leo. Suspendisse scelerisque tempor aliquet. Donec quam erat, imperdiet ac est porta, fringilla dignissim mauris. Sed quis aliquam sem. Nunc vel interdum urna. Sed aliquet ligula non tincidunt semper. Sed bibendum nisl vel eros luctus ultricies. Donec mattis turpis risus, sed congue enim convallis ut.

Character Stories

Character Details

Ut molestie, mi in vestibulum condimentum, ipsum nunc consectetur odio, a cursus nunc ex at elit. In suscipit vestibulum ante quis convallis. Donec commodo lectus non pharetra aliquam. Sed imperdiet, tortor vitae maximus varius, risus tortor ultrices tellus, eget accumsan felis erat vitae felis. Donec placerat tincidunt volutpat. Curabitur interdum mi eget lectus malesuada, ac facilisis velit varius. Integer laoreet orci quis laoreet pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris efficitur, sapien ac sodales cursus, tellus risus euismod tortor, at scelerisque dolor ante id nisl. Pellentesque rhoncus commodo hendrerit. Vestibulum sed tincidunt dolor, vitae accumsan felis. Curabitur molestie varius blandit. Vivamus ac leo scelerisque, mattis erat ac, dapibus odio. Vestibulum ultricies lacus nisi, eget volutpat sem malesuada ac. Curabitur eu quam lectus.

Character Story 1

genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 2

Fusce ac neque imperdiet eros maximus tincidunt vitae vitae nibh. Suspendisse condimentum leo nunc, vitae fermentum ligula aliquet at. Aenean at nulla orci. Ut vel rutrum urna, eget aliquam justo. Praesent convallis nibh eu purus scelerisque, tempus imperdiet nisi condimentum. Praesent pellentesque arcu id sodales facilisis. Integer eleifend consectetur nisl, et vehicula nisi. In id faucibus purus. Proin mollis, nisi nec tincidunt mollis, sem lorem tristique risus, eu vehicula est diam non sapien.

Character Story 2

genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 3

Suspendisse a finibus orci, non mollis arcu. Cras cursus ligula a mauris dictum vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam iaculis eros non convallis bibendum. Sed non faucibus purus. Curabitur dignissim, est in laoreet lacinia, nulla lectus consectetur nisl, sit amet aliquet felis tellus ut nibh. Curabitur neque dolor, varius ut quam eu, pretium dignissim massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vel dolor et massa commodo tincidunt faucibus at leo. Suspendisse et nisl in urna molestie sagittis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla facilisi.

Character Story 3

genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 4

Morbi nec vehicula eros, id porta sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eget commodo sapien. Aenean erat leo, ultricies quis orci quis, commodo tincidunt nunc. Donec quis tempor lorem, sed fermentum arcu. Aenean et diam id tellus euismod tincidunt et quis odio. Mauris sed lorem bibendum, volutpat tortor imperdiet, interdum lorem. Sed vulputate elit eu ex varius auctor. Quisque interdum nibh sit amet dolor maximus, id posuere mi varius. Nam luctus arcu eget ultrices ultrices. Maecenas nibh quam, dignissim nec ante at, bibendum malesuada urna. Phasellus id velit vel libero molestie condimentum vel id erat.

Character Story 4

genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 5

Phasellus scelerisque odio nunc, ut luctus tortor varius non. Sed vulputate elit vitae dolor pellentesque luctus. Aenean sollicitudin risus sed metus pulvinar convallis. Pellentesque turpis erat, semper pulvinar scelerisque ut, auctor eu justo. Etiam laoreet eleifend rutrum. Donec feugiat est non tellus condimentum pretium at at velit. Donec suscipit malesuada elit, mollis rhoncus dolor mattis eget.

Character Story 5

genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 6

Fusce eget erat vitae tellus cursus imperdiet. Donec at nisl vel mi posuere dictum. Donec lacinia eros lorem, quis accumsan odio bibendum vitae. Suspendisse ornare tellus sed ipsum fermentum, eu lacinia ante commodo. Aenean diam dolor, blandit vel ultrices in, eleifend ut est. Aenean sed sem et eros molestie consequat. Nunc tristique lacus ornare erat elementum feugiat. Praesent ornare aliquet ipsum ac suscipit. Nunc vestibulum scelerisque lacus nec accumsan. Maecenas tristique purus mi, venenatis cursus dui placerat ut. Donec porta laoreet maximus. Pellentesque volutpat eros ut ipsum viverra pretium. Mauris aliquet lacus vel ex congue ornare. Duis ac porta tellus, eu volutpat lectus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus ut massa metus.

Character Story Header

genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 4

Aenean pellentesque metus id urna pretium sollicitudin. Curabitur tempor, sem ut lacinia aliquet, ex enim mollis massa, at condimentum massa nulla id eros. Aenean non enim quis mauris porta porta. Donec viverra dui libero. Phasellus posuere condimentum hendrerit. Maecenas posuere at arcu a fringilla. Nam leo augue, egestas sit amet fermentum laoreet, aliquam eget erat. Duis non purus mollis, maximus turpis nec, scelerisque mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


genshin_companionship_icon.pngFriendship Lv. 6 • UI_Quest.webp Story Quest Title

Vestibulum semper, erat et luctus pharetra, metus arcu pellentesque leo, sit amet aliquam velit elit quis nisi. Nam lacinia, dui vel rutrum faucibus, leo ante malesuada leo, vitae volutpat massa ex ut nisl. Mauris nisi urna, euismod eu ante at, cursus vestibulum elit. Proin eu porttitor mauris. Cras venenatis mauris nec accumsan accumsan. Nam sodales velit lorem, in congue nulla tincidunt eu. Ut sapien mauris, bibendum vehicula fermentum eu, fringilla a dui. Sed in ante pretium, condimentum tortor in, eleifend ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam at tellus arcu. Proin nibh tellus, lobortis eu finibus ut, fermentum a est. Ut suscipit velit sit amet pretium ultrices.


Namecard Title

Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Rafiya

Aenean ut sodales massa. Integer id eros a enim dapibus iaculis ac eu erat.


Solus Cygnus

The Lonely Swan

Character Mentions

Character Voice-Overs

Character Voice-Overs
Collei_Icon.png Collei Character's dialogue about character here.
Cyno_Icon.png Cyno Character's dialogue about character here.
Dori_Icon.png Dori Character's dialogue about character here.
Nahida_Icon.png Nahida Character's dialogue about character here.
Nilou_Icon.png Nilou Character's dialogue about character here.
Tighnari_Icon.png Tighnari Character's dialogue about character here.


  • TEXT
  • TEXT
  • TEXT
Contents [hide]

1. Story

2. Combat


Title and Requirements Details
Hello My name is Rafiya. And I'm... um... an artist and illustrator... sorry... I'm not used to talking out loud about myself and what I like...
Chat: Drawing Drawing helps distract from bad thoughts and help pass the time. Oh... sorry... I started talking about myself again...
Chat: Inspiration Inspiration comes so unexpectedly, that's why I always keep a pencil and paper with me.
Chat: Topic 3 Dialogue goes here.
When It Rains Oh no no no, not the rain… I completely forgot my umbrella... Please forgive me...
When Thunder Strikes AAAHHH!!! I’m sorry, I’m such a coward...
When the Wind Is Blowing Oh Archon, how windy... No! My drawings are about to fly apart!
Good Morning G-Good morning..! I... I really hope you slept well.
Good Afternoon What time is it now..? It's lunch? Oh, I forgot myself in drawing again, that I was lost in time... please forgive me...
Good Evening Such a beautiful sunset. I need to quickly draw before the moment is gone!
Good Night H-Have a nice dreams..! Go sleep. I’ll also lie down now... I promise that I won’t interfere...
About Rafiya: Shyness I'm afraid to start a conversation first. Sometimes I can get so excited that my knees are shaking. I even fainted a couple of times...
About Rafiya: Akademiya
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
I used to be a student at the Akademiya, but I was expelled due to low grades and kicked out in disgrace. This is such a blow for me that I just got lost in myself... The Akademiya does not forgive mistakes and punishes very severely. Even though I am no longer a student, the Akademiya continues to instill fear in me... Hmm..? You think I don't have to worry about it anymore..?... you know, one person onces told me about this...
About Us: Walks I like to take a walk before bed. A cool breeze helps calm the thoughts that have accumulated during the day.
About Us: Portrait
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 6
I'm very sorry but... can I draw you...? Just a little bit, a little sketch... What..? Do you want me to draw a full portrait of you ..? Oh... I... I'm afraid you might be disappointed with the end result, but... I'll do my best!
About the Vision
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
The moment when I was expelled from the Akademiya was very painful and difficult. I was afraid to tell my parents about this and therefore I came home very late to avoid this conversation. At that moment, I cried all day. I needed to express my emotions, so I took a pencil and paper and began to quickly draw something. However, the sudden opening of the window frightened me so much that I squeaked with fear and hid under the covers. When I stuck my head out to check the situation, I saw among the scattered sketches the eyes of a god. I didn't even believe my eyes at first, but... I was so happy at that moment. So, the gods probably thought that I was not so mediocre after all...
Something to Share Dialogue goes here.
Interesting Things Did you know that you can make paint out of Nilotpala Lotus? Once, when I was painting in the desert, near one of the oases, I noticed that I had run out of red paint. I was already thinking of leaving, but then I noticed that a red cactus grows on a cactus, and decided to try to distribute it. And voila! The red paint was done!
About Collei
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
Trainee Forest Ranger… she reminds me a little of me. We are both equally clumsy. She is very sweet and does everything to get her job done.
About Cyno
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
Cyno... He's so strong and strict... he has beautiful eyes and... What?! No! I'm not in love with him! He wouldn't pay any attention to me...
About Dori
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
Several times she tried to sell me paints and brushes at an incredibly high price, and I always refused. But one day I shrunk and bought from her the paints brought from Mondstadt… They are great, but quite expensive… You can afford such a pleasure only once.
About Lesser Lord Kusanali
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
I'd like to meet her, but I'm incredibly shy and afraid... what if she judges me and my drawings... What? You're saying she wouldn't do that for anything..? Hmm... then she is an incredibly wise and kind Archon…
About Nilou
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
At the Grand Bazaar, I often notice how she dances. It is so beautiful that it is impossible to describe in words. A true display of the art of dancing… I wish I could be just as confident...
About Tighnari
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
Tighnari? I think I saw him several times in the forest when I was painting birds and animals. He constantly scares them, because of which they scatter, and my drawings remain unfinished. I really want him to stop doing this, but I'm afraid to tell him about it...
More About Rafiya: I You know, I like to snack on something sweet when I can't catch inspiration. Let's go and eat together... if you want, of course... I don't insist...
More About Rafiya: II
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 3
Dialogue goes here.
More About Rafiya: III
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 4
Dialogue goes here.
More About Rafiya: IV
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 5
Dialogue goes here.
More About Rafiya: V
genshin_companionship_icon.png Friendship Lv. 6
Dialogue goes here.
Rafiya's Hobbies Drawing is the only thing that attracts me now and that I immerse myself in. But sometimes I would like to try something else, but I'm afraid that I won't succeed and people will start laughing...
Rafiya's Troubles Dialogue goes here.
Favorite Food I love the kind of food that you can take with you and have a quick bite like shawarma or pita. Delicious, satisfying and you can put in your purse.
Least Favorite Food I'm not very picky about food. I can eat anything as long as it's not raw or burnt.
Receiving a Gift: I Dialogue goes here.
Receiving a Gift: II Dialogue goes here.
Receiving a Gift: III Dialogue goes here.
Birthday Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
genshin_ascension_icon.png Ascension Phase 1
Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
genshin_ascension_icon.png Ascension Phase 2
Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
genshin_ascension_icon.png Ascension Phase 4
Dialogue goes here.
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
genshin_ascension_icon.png Ascension Phase 6
Dialogue goes here.


Title Details
Elemental Skill Here!
No way to run!
Elemental Burst Time to swim!
Feel that waves.
Grab a lifeline.
Opening Treasure Chest I wonder who left these treasures here?
Looks like it's something useful.
Find something interesting?
Low HP Stop fighting!
No no no no...
I... I can still do this...
Ally at Low HP Oh no! Y-You're hurt!
Please... hang in there!
Fallen Maybe I'm not...cut out for this.
Why I... deserve such fate..?
I was... careless...
Joining Party I want to help.
I do my best.
Where we go now?

List of Character Outfits

Yanling has 2 Character Outfits:

Icon Name Rarity Type Obtain
dg35m2m-7a6b6ddf-4f8d-4f47-8d25-bb3d5afd Lovely Artist Default Unlocked upon obtaining character


Category Companion
genshin_compansion_icon.webp Companion
Rarity Icon_4_Stars.png

Adeptal Energy


Adeptal Energy per Load


Character In-Residence

Rafiya can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining them and completing the Idle Teapot Talk.



1. Favorite Furnishing Sets

2. Idle Quotes

3. Dialogue

4. Special Dialogue

4.1. Furnishing Set 1

4.2. Furnishing Set 2

Favorite Furnishing Sets

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position. Rafiya has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing Set Image Rewards
A Farewell Brief to Bustle and Bother Furnishing_Set_A_Farewell_Brief_to_Bustl
Deep in the Quiet Forest Furnishing_Set_Deep_in_the_Quiet_Forest_

Idle Quotes

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

(When the player is nearby)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote.


Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

(Between 6:00 and 19:00)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

(Between 19:00 and 6:00)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Player dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Special Dialogue

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

A Farewell Brief to Bustle and Bother

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Deep in the Quiet Forest

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.

Rafiya: Dialogue goes here.