[Birdfolk] Hex



8 years, 7 months ago


G E N E R A L  I N F O R M A T I O N:

Specie: Bird Folk [CLOSED species by Kel-Del ]
Gender: Male pronounces
Personality: Clever, Alternative thinker, Calm, Weird
Village: Giant Thicket
Transformations: Adult form, Black Cat, Griphon

Location: Kel Del | Giant Thicket

Age: 95
Birth Season: Autumn
Immediate Relitaves: Azkazar
Friends/Aqquaintences: Vlad, Peach, Cider

Hex is known for his weird mind and interests. He sees beauty in what no one else does.
Thinking outside the box is one of his unique traits and usually comes in handy as an elder.
He is usually most active during the night. He loves the silence, the cold air, and how he can keep staring at a dark shadow. Sometimes his mind will play him a trick, and make the shadows move or appear as monsters. This usually scares him away, but he is just as excited the next night!
Hex is an easy going and friendly birdfolk. He loves sharing tales about the monsters he meets during the night, or other made up tales by him!
Another one of his unique traits is his curiousity. He loves experimenting on the impossible and the weirdest things his mind can think of. He will easly create a fun show for those who are around him, and he loves noting down the outcome of his experiment in his books.

Bought through auction: $200