


6 years, 2 months ago


Base by fIuffybutt on DA

Coloured by Artferdark on FV 

Age: 21

Birthdate: 2/28/1997

Gender: Male

Species: Chow chow/black lab and shiba inu mix

Mate: Taffi

Personality: Rowdy, playful, loud, eccentric, thoughtful, impatient, honest, brutally so sometimes, protective, confident, positive, lazy, intimidates people sometimes but he doesn't know why, he's the biggest teddy bear

Likes: His plants, driving, loud music, nature, the city, video games, YouTubing, sports

Dislikes: Cooking, when it's too quiet, being perceived as dumb

Favorite Color: Tie between navy blue and dark green

Favorite Food: Any junk food or candy, especially chocolate 

Nicknames: Oli (everyone), Vivi (Vani)

Clothes: Oli usually wears either a navy blue hoodie with a green bandana around his neck, or a long yellow shirt with red borders on the neck and hem

Friends: Vani, Reese, Nikki, Candy, Ari, Maxwell, Finnian, Lux

Random Facts:

Despite sometimes appearing to be the "lazy goofball" type, Oli is actually very smart, and is planning to be a botanist.

He's really interested in desert plants, his favorites are succulents

He loves conspiracy theories, especially those involving aliens. He doesn't believe in them, he just finds them really fascinating. Vani is his conspiracy buddy