Mera (trivia)



Her ability is to project the insides of one's soul over proper reality, and interact with the world she summons. Mera does not have the ability to leave these worlds - she can only do so by falling unconscious or going to sleep. She can also take other people with her into a projected reality.

Most people who die in a projected reality will simply be held in stasis until the projection is desummoned, and resurrected afterward (with scars). If Mera is killed in a projected reality, the projection is automatically desummoned, and she is put into a state of deep sleep that lasts for at least 24 hours. The worse the fatal injury was, the longer she sleeps. Total destruction of her body in a projected reality is the only way for her power to actually kill her.

Characters without a proper consciousness or soul have no projected reality, and the power fails on them. Characters who are mentally ill or have been alive for a very long time (past their species' average lifespan) tend to have more dangerous and abstract projected realities. Nothing that comes from a projected reality can cross into true reality unless Mera allows it to.

  • Mera uses marshmallow-scented shampoo.
  • In her free time, she takes care of a bunny-eared cactus. She can't decide on a name for it.
  • Mera also has a lot of plushies. Her favorite one is a white cat named Stix.
Goofy Fandom Trivia:
  • Mera would be an Euclid-class SCP. Her disruption class would be Vlam, and her risk class would be Warning. Her threat level would be Orange.
  • She would be an Heir of Blood if she played SBURB.
  • Her extended zodiac sign is Aquacer, the sign of the Foretold. (violet/prospit/blood)