


1 year, 7 months ago



Bijou Blight

" Let us go together, sage dearest~! "
ALIASES 'otos'
GENDER spicy guy (he/any)
IMAGE jewels / #AF9283
CV uncle roger
AGE ~ 500 yrs.
BIRTHDAY 12 oct. (libra)
HEIGHT 179cm
ETHNICITY legally italian

A whimsical wizard pf the West, Bijou is eccentric, self-centered and unpredictable. While he boasts an impressive family name and the magical prowess to match, Bijou is rather lazy and simply does as he pleases; social structures and etiquette mean nothing to him, you’ll have to either hope he’s taken a liking to you (and deal with the consequences of that), or force him into compliance some other way. As luck would have it, Bijou is dumb as rocks, and not above bribery; so if you can appeal to him with good food or something shiny, he’s barely manageable.


blah blah blah talk about ur character's personality here. also bc sometimes i see ppl put in traits for the bane and boon: a boon is something that is beneficial and a bane is one that is detrimental. i usually put those there as like, BIG traits that the character is formed around & are highlighted the most in their personality. also i stole them from the character creation screen from fire emblem fates cuz i thought they sounded cool. which they do btw!

red camellia flower

magic tool

adalaps felitzia


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

likes something, another something, third thing, fourth thing, etc, etc. this will wrap

dislikes something, another something, third thing, fourth thing, etc, etc. this will wrap


  • self-assured
  • high-spirited
  • straightforward


  • indifferent
  • smothering
  • unpredictable


  • egocentric
  • immature
  • brain empty

Biography .

Born into a humble farmer family of five in the Southern country, Bijou lived as just another face in the crowd until his magical talent blossomed in his early teenage years. Though he was a distant descendant, he was one of the few people in his family line to inherit the trademark magic of their ancestor; keen in matter manipulation and nearly inexhaustible magic energy, Bijou quickly rose to the top-class of wizards, and left his quaint little hometown to make the most of his talents under his teacher, a powerful wizard known as Strelitzia.

Even in his glory days, Bijou remained loyal to his friends and family; he made it a point to visit them frequently and use his magic for good, whether that be running errands around the village or showing off a cool new spell to help the crops grow. Living in abundance of love and magic alive, Bijou was quite content with his life.

All good things come to an end, however; for Bijou, it was more of a process. As a wizard, he was naturally gifted with immortality, his physical body never growing past his 21st birthday. In contrast, his family and friends were still very much mortal, and Bijou watched them slowly waste away over the years. Familiar faces disappeared without a trace, making way for new ones, of course; but time presses on, and Bijou felt himself becoming increasingly more lonely as he cycled through the generations, until he could no longer take it and the full weight of his reality as a wizard began to set in.

A miasma of despair began to chip away at him, , eating up his body and soul. His teacher tried to intervene, but could salvage no more than half of Bijou's soul; the remains had already shattered away, and with it, nearly all of his memories -- his anguish. When Bijou opened his eyes once more, he saw the shards of his former self drifting away into the horizon: sparkling, bright. Beautiful.

omething in him shifted. With nothing left to chain him to the world, Bijou began to chase after the lights he saw that day: he found that gems posed as a suitable alternative, but he'd grow bored still. He grew more and more erratic, seeking for another thrill, another sensation; but ultimately still longing for something to fill the emptiness in his chest, forever a lonely man.


daily rock consumption



explanation of ability or other skill here. the box on the left will automatically center itself based on this column's overall height.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Trivia .

  • Bijou has achromatopsia! As in, he’s completely color blind, and he’s not that good at discerning light either.
  • Physically very flexible; that and his colors is where he gets his nickname Otos (‘owl’) from.
  • Picky about food and acts like a gourmet, but doesn’t like to cook, so he’s grown a habit of hopping around the country to visit different towns and restaurants.

Design notes .

  • His sage’s mark is on the back of his neck, around the nape.
  • He wears the lower part of his hair in messy twisted braids, but doesn’t tend to his hair a lot. Lots of stray hair strands!
  • Wears bandages around the upper half of his torso, his lower arm and his ankles.
  • All of his casual clothes are worn down, with patches sewn in and fraying at the hem etc etc

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by sharkadelic | from unsplash