Ajax the Bunny



1 year, 7 months ago







89 cm (2'9")


Mechanic apprentice/Ninja




Ajax, ever since he was a little bunny, he loved exploring, he was a fan of adrenaline and extreme sports, but at first, because he was very tiny, he couldn't do any of the sorts. That all changed when his parents got him his first skateboard, and since the day that he got it, he has always kept it with him and held it very dear to his heart.

Even if some may call his outfit a bit extreme, he always thinks to be ready for every occasion, so he always has with himself his tools: Hammer, screwdriver, wrench, a few meters of rope... and a kunai. Apart from his love for extreme sports, he also found ninjas very cool when he was very little, so that turned into a little sidekick version of himself, that whenever he could, he would go around in the shadows.. even if every time he tried to climb a wall he would fall face first into the ground.











  • His skateboard
  • Carrots
  • Fix stuff
  • Playing as a ninja


  • The dark
  • Wolves
  • High Frequency Vibrations


Let's start from the beginning (genius)

This story begins from the beginning of Ajax's story on this planet, from a very young age he found himself astounded by the world he was in and wanted to explore every nook and cranny of it, even if it meant getting.. Dangerous. That meaning that he would get in trouble quite constantly, meaning that his parents would have to get him out of the trouble, just as constantly as he got into it- he was not the smartest bunny in the books, but even then, his parents still loved him, as he was an only child, and they didn't wanna lose him in anyway. Even if sometimes he was a bit of a brat about stuff, that didn't mean that he wouldn't get punished for it.

Going downhill from here

As ajax got older (but not that old), and as time went on, he started to get allowed to do more extreme stuff than what he was allowed to do when he was younger, one of those being going mountain climbing, one of his favourites things that he liked to watch on TV when he was a little bunny, but as their parents weren't oblivious and that they weren't as adventurous as their child, he had to have an adult supervising him at all times. At first, everything went fine for the first few expeditions even if his parents would get worried since, he was their child. Although that all changed in one very specific expedition he went in, going to the highest peak in the area, meaning that it was one of the most extreme mountain climbs available, and specially dangerous for a little guy like Ajax at the time. And even if his parents didn't approve at first, they ended up giving in for it to happen.

Everything seemed to go well once he started going into the mountain climb, ofc being kept on check by a guide, but that changed very quickly as at one point of the climb, an avalanche struck, and even if they tried to do their best to hide, they failed, both Ajax and the guide getting buried deep under a curtain of snow. And even if it seemed like that was it for Ajax, the snow uncleared the entrance to a cave that seemed to be buried beneath the stone. And as he managed to jump into the entrance that was just big enough for tiny him to go through, the entrance got instantly blocked off by the stone being dragged along by the snow, so now, he was trapped in an unexplored cave, and along with that, all alone.

Finding a way out

Even if it seemed like Ajax was in a very bad situation, it wasn't all bad stuff- or maybe it was, but he didn't want that getting to his head, he was safe in a cave that had been unexplored for who knows how long and he had hit his head a bit because of it- yeah, not great. But even if it was all bad stuff, he stayed optimistic, he grabbed his handful of tools and managed to wrap up his head injury and craft a torch to light his way, and after checking the way he came from was completely sealed away, he started exploring, not because of his explorer instinct, but to find a way out of there.

After some time of exploring aimlessly through, he started to lose track of time as he kept walking and walking, what seemed minutes turned into hours- maybe even days, but he had no clue as he had no way to tell how fast time was running inside the cave. Thankfully for him, he had plenty of food for him to survive for as long as he wanted to, since his mom had prepared a good lunch for him before the expedition, as he took a break from time to time to eat some more and also tell where the hell he was in. After even more exploring and more aimlessly walking through the tunnels of the cave that seemed to never end, the hope he had built up from where he started had started to run dry, as the fear of not finding a way out and not being able to go back with his family got to his head, as in one point, he stumbled with one of the pebbles and he fell, hitting his head for a second time.. and then, the crying started, he just wanted to go back. It took him some time to recompose himself, but as he got back on his feet, he managed to see a very faint glow of what seemed to be a green crystal on a side of the tunnel he was in.

As he had nothing to lose at this point, he decided that he should go explore it, since at this point he had no choice but to look at it, and while moving a few rocks that were covering the green glow, he found himself looking at a bright green crystal just resting on the ground, but, just as he went close enough to touch it, a massive headache got a hold of him, almost as if he felt that his head was being ripped apart because of it, and at one certain point, because of the pain being such, he passed out on the ground of that same cave. He didn't know for how much time he passed out, but eventually he woke up, the headache had dissapeared, but many things had changed in his surroundings, the most importantly, the cave had changed so much from what he remembered, that now there was just an open exit, and as he hadn't realized, he had gained earth control powers, and a fact that he didn't realize at the time, his right eye had turned green, exactly the same tone as the crystal he had touched just a moment ago. As he turned around to see what caused his headache in the first place, he saw just a a small pile of dust resembling the glowing crystal. But as he had no time to think about what had happened, he bolted right through the exit that just seemed to be there for a very long time before he got there, and now, he was free once again, taking a big gasp of air upon his exit as he had never been so glad to see sunlight.

Now, all that was left, was to go back home.


  • Originally, Ajax had been born with two purple eyes, although because of the event of him getting his powers, his right eye turned green
  • He is quite the hyperactive bunny, as he loves to burn down his energy until he is exhausted at the end of the day, although he always loves to come back home to his house to meet his parents
  • Learning how to use his powers was quite the struggle, as at first, he didn't even know he had powers in the first place, he only realized such once he accidentally, lifted his entire house a few feet off the ground


TBC [ relationship ]


TBC [ relationship ]