

Jason’s younger sister and student at Albert A. Aardvark Secondary School. Penelope is a street-smart go getter and loves to be active. She values her friends highly, especially Luna, and loves to socialize. Her antics can sometimes get her in trouble though, but she’s a good kid.

Her whole world was turned upside down when the person she admires most, her older brother Jason, was declared dead by the Restoration. One night while she is packing away his belongings, she receives a distorted vision and is eventually whisked away to a strange new world following the discovery of a certain device...



While Penelope was bouncy and extroverted once, she had a hard time dealing with the loss of her brother. She generally withdrew from the outside world and tried to convince herself that he could still be out there helping other people like he had always done. The vision she received from Jason was explained away by most people as a symptom of her depression.

When reunited with Jason in the Otherlands, Penelope is overjoyed and returns to how she was before the news of the Endurance’s disappearance. She doesn’t really have a skillset that proves useful anywhere on the ship, but her personality and desire to help make her a set of useful hands to be had anywhere, she just needs to be guided through what to do. Her personality and status as Jason’s little sister also make her a popular member of the crew. She enjoys chatting with the marines in the mess hall and hearing their stories.