Jackass (Experiment-01)



1 year, 6 months ago


A shy and laidback creature, Jack (or “Jackass”) is an odd seemingly uncaring mixture between a human man, a feline, an equine of some sort (presumably donkey, referenced by their name “Jackass”) and canine.

Jack sports patches of hair on their skullular head, and seems to have a chunk of fur taken out of their cat-like tail, leading us to think they have had a less than glamorous life. Jack is shy and doesn’t seem to care about experiments being done on them along with being slightly asocial, prefering to be alone, but does seem to understand English.

They have said no words and has only made noises so far.

Jack does not seem to have genitals and that leads us to have no idea whether to refer to them as male or female, though many of the staff have spoke of them using mainly he/him pronouns.

- Jack likes to collect things others has lost, do not steal from their collection, ask for your lost thing back and they will give it back to you.