Moster (Experiment-06)



Exp-06, also known as "Moster", "The Monster" or another alternative of the such, is a partly amorphous being made of black matter.
What black matter Exp-06 is made of actually isĀ we are not sure, however it seems that they can appear as both a solid as well as a strange form of gas.
The rate of which Exp-06 can change between these two states seems unpredictable, as it can happen in as quick as around a fraction of a second and can last for upwards to a half hour.
Despite being quite careful and slow in their solid form, this gaseous form Exp-06 takes seems to allow them to move at an alarming speed, ranging from across the room in 1.5 seconds to across a local football field in 3. This has led many of our workers to determine that Exp-06 has the ability of some sort of teleportation, as Exp-06 can not be seen as they're mobile in this state.

Exp-06 has two long appendages (made of the same black matter mentioned) sticking out from their mostly round abdomen and head, these protrusions act as a form of transportation for Exp-06 and can clearly be seen as its "legs".
Despite being pointed and quite large, the "legs" of Exp-06 do not seem to be of use for possible self-defense.
In a test of this we had one of our workers attempt to pick up and "jab" Exp-06's "leg" into their abdomen, as either a sign of provocation or to see if it would pierce skin.
In seeing this, Exp-06 yanked their appendage back and fled, dispersing into their gaseous form and being lost to the team for 15 minutes.

Some of the workers have seem to have grown attached to Exp-06.

After hearing them be referred to as a "monster" out of anxiety, they'd decided to give Exp-06 the nickname "Moster" as a way to combat the harsh words directed towards them.

"That's not a monster, that's Moster!"

- Had gotten their flower crown from one of the worker's daughters, they'd wandered into Exp-06's enclosure after getting "bored" within the waiting room, and after being told it was time to go home after being with the creature, gave them the floral crown as a parting gift. Exp-06 has never taken said flower crown off since.

- Has the ability to recognize faces they've seen before, and if in any danger will nearly instantaneously turn into their gaseous form and "teleport" to the civilian/worker's side, then walking into and in a sense "merging" with their body, allowing them to teleport the civilian/worker back to safety.

- If being set next to a running radio or device that produces music, Exp-06 will begin to sway back and forth in a rhythmic fashion.
Watching Exp-06 "dance" has become an amusing pastime for workers on break.