Busk Fiddlesticks



1 year, 7 months ago


Busk is a bard that dabbles in illusion magic for his performances. He could certainly do more with his magical capability, but he prefers to keep things flamboyantly simple. The strings of his lute are made using the magic infused hairs of -some creature🤷- and they glow when strummed. In relation to Apothy, Busk is seen as a waste of time and shells to Poth. Apothy respects one art and one art only, and that's magic. He finds Busk's lack of tact with his magic to be wasteful and lazy, and highly discourages Fisk from associating with such a "free-thinker". Busk finds Apothy's views funny, if not a little disrespectful, but he respects Apothy's magical skills and abilities, despite the constant belittling.

Aside from illusion magic, he likes trying to craft spells through his words. He will make several songs revolving around certain subjects or ideas trying to find their "true name", but all of these attempts have been fruitless thus far. Of course, it's not really legal to use true names, but they're so hard to figure out in the first place, that it's not much of a concern anyway.

Busk likes telling stories and jokes, traveling around, playing new instruments, drinking, entertaining people, and Fisk. Everybody likes Fisk.

Busk dislikes a string out of tune, drinking, illusions that don't look right, and Poth's criticisms.Â