Goldie (Voice Lines)



1 year, 8 months ago



..Eh? What am I.... Oh, whats my name? Goldie! ...Have we mets before?
Chat: Landscape
Hmmm... I could have sworn there were more mushrooms around here.... Whaddya mean 'no'?
Chat: Flowers
Each flowers I pass, I pick one, so I can have a beautiful... Booh... Bow... Bou-ket..? 
Chat: Energy
Are you tired? That's okays! I still have lots to do, though...
When It Rains
It's raining~ it's pouring~ the hilichurls are snoring~ ...Hehe!
When the Sun Is Out
Now the flowers will be all happy! Yays!
When the Wind Is Blowing
Goldie thinks she might be blown away!
Good Morning
Good morning... Umm... Did I sleep in?
Good Afternoon
The sun is high up in the sky... I wonders if I could touch it!
Good Evening
*Yawn* Huh...? How'd it gets so late already...?
Good Night
Today was so fun, but... the dark is so scarys! I'm going to go to sleep now, alrights?
About Goldie: Weakness
Other ones say that I'm not the most der... derpendable? I... wonder what that means...
About Goldie: Research
I've never been good at lookings at lots of words and stuffs... But that's all boring, anyways!
About Us: Adventuring
Goldie gets told lots, "You can't leaves the city!", I'm glad we can go out togethers! It's super funs, I love seeing the flowers and the cute fluffy pets! .....I should join the 'Agenturers Guild'.....? I don't knows what that is, sorry...
About Us: Battle Skills
I'ms not the best at fighting.... But you are soooo good at it! You sees a bad guy and it's all like Wham! Kazam! Boom! .....I thinks I have a lot to learn, so hopefully you can teach me.... So then maybes I can be as good as the Knight people! Pretty, pretty, pretty please...?
About the Vision
Oh, this shiny thing? Apparently, I'm very lucky to have it, and I like it 'cause I can make flowers! I... don't remembers very well when I got it, but I thinks I can remember a very nice sounding voice... Ah... Um... What did it say....
Something to Share
This place where we lives, it's so weird! Like, why is the sky all blue like that, and what's all the fluffy stuff? Oh, oh, ands, when it gets dark, what are those bright little shiny things? I asks a lot, but, nobody can tells me the answers... I thinks thats so strange, hehe~!
Interesting Things
There's a lot of flowers all over the place! I'm not good at rememberings the names, but they come in lots of colors and shapes! One time, I tripped over this big fluffy ones, and all the little fluffy flower bits went everywhere intos the sky! It was sooo cools!
About KleeMy friend is always gettings me to grow lots and lots of plants to add to these things that blows up! They always looks so pretty, but then she always gets put away in a room when we put them off... So terrible!
About Sascha 
Did you know that peoples could grow ears like kitties too? Me neithers!
About Venti
About Jean
About LisaOnce, I was walking arounds in the big stone building. I found this room, and Miss Purple Lady started talking to me, and it was too many words... I got so dizzys! She is a bit scary like that...
About Amber
About Albedo

About Kaeya
The Knights are super nice, but when I met the Caviar Captain, I got a really bad feelings... I try not to talks to him anymore...
About Lesser Lord Kusanali
My momma and papa tells me that the Dendro Archon gives me my vision, but... Who even is the Dendro Archon?
More About Goldie: I

More About Goldie: II

More About Goldie: III

More About Goldie: IV

More About Goldie: V

Goldie's Hobbies
Goldie's Troubles 
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I

Receiving a Gift: II

Receiving a Gift: III

Feelings About Ascension: Intro

Feelings About Ascension: Building Up

Feelings About Ascension: Climax

Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion

Elemental Skill

Elemental Burst

Sprint Start

Sprint End
Deploying Wind Glider

Opening Treasure Chest

Low HP

Ally at Low HP

Light Hit Taken

Heavy Hit Taken

Joining Party