GASTRONOMIC#205's Comments

I have art if u might be interested!

( I sadly have no money to bid 🥲🥲, but what a cutie! love the design sm)


i am def interested, thank you for offering!

i'll wait like  a week to see if i get any money offers, but if i don't or if it's an amount I don't want to accept: 

i could come dm you on Nov. 8th if you're okay with that

i'd be interested in a fullbody in Style B with shading (painted shading, all the examples in the style B section is painted shading? cause that's what i'd like!)
and it would be of this character: or these ones: JinxxedVexx on Toyhouse like whichever one you have preference for, i'm excited for! (just clariciation that im asking for one [1] character but listing four options!)

Heya! Thanks for the interest qwq, a dm on the 8th tots works, and I’m down to do a full with that shading💪
v cute characters btw!

Sounds good!!!

Ty!! One of them is an adopt i got from a friend and the others are a friend's sonas! Hoping to get a gift for him if yer down for drawing any of his sonas!



Yes id love to take this offer!!! I would like art of my friend's sona!! (You can pick which one you'd like to do since he has three)

Ill mark this design as pending :)

OH and if youd like Pose prompts or anything Lemme know I can help with that

6 Replies