Chip ๐Ÿ’™'s Comments

Hello! I can offer a full and a headshot for them (both rendered/shaded)! (I can't draw humans/humanoids though sorry) Art examples here:

If this isn't enough I can definitely add!

I can do that i lobe your art!! Lemme auth you so you can see the babs^^ย 

Can you doย
andย ย ??;0ย 

If not lmk and ill give you a folder to pick out of:)ย 


Oki!! Tysm ill put chip on pending^^ย 

Hey!! The babs are now in Rin!! Once art is done pm that acc and ill upload them myself!!ย 

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Nobody did im so sorry!! I could take art tho if youd like to offer it^^

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Thats alr!! Tysm for offering!!<3

Is this boy still openย 

Hihi!! He is! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜