Meredith O'Callaghan



1 year, 7 months ago



Live ⋆ Laugh ⋆ Drink

Can a’ get a refill??











rescue/ contain





Lived in


A Pirate who came to the manor seeking a way to be pardoned for her crimes of Piracy!


Drunkard: Due to often drinking before fights, she often enters matches somewhat drunk. Due to this, her stumbling grants her an extra 50% speed boost after vaulting pallets or windows for 3 seconds. This can only happen 3 times during the match as her drink will eventually wear off.

Duel: The Pirate carries around a sword which they can use to block a hit from the hunter, knocking them back in the process. If the hunter is knocked into an object then the hunter will be stunned for 2 seconds.

Cutlass: The Pirate‘s weapon can cut through the rocket chair restraints, getting rid of the halfway point of the chair.

All Thumbs: Her drinking makes her clumsy with machines, her decoding speed is reduced by 25%.


Originally, Meredith had started out as a Noble living in England, having grown up in a wealthy family and receiving a good standard of living as well as a proper education unlike most other girls of the time. They had a rather pleasant relationship with their parents though that quickly turned as with expected of the era, they had agreed to arrange a marriage with Meredith to a Sailor of a high reputation. Although most people would jump at the opportunity of an easy life like that, it was something that she despised the idea of due to her not only being young but also because of her being lesbian. This had soured the relationship she had with her parents, their responses being to view her as being ungrateful and rebellion and despite her protests the marriage had gone ahead no matter what her say in it was.

After becoming married, Meredith had begun to avoid people, shutting herself indoors at the house she now had to share with the Sailor. Luckily for her, his profession meant he mainly kept to the seas though as a result it had worsened her loneliness, leaving them to feel trapped and isolated in a life most women would jump at the opportunity for. It didn’t take long before something had happened with the Sailor, it had made news that he and his crewmates had staged a mutiny against working for the Queen and seemingly turned to being pirates. The Sailor still harbouring feelings for Meredith however, decided to come and sneak her onto the boat, thus forcing her to join a life of Piracy.

Although this now meant that she would live a life of crime, Meredith strangely felt a sense of freedom being able to live a free life without having to worry about the pressures of society nor other people opinions. This led her to become more free spirited, actively taking part in the different criminal activities as well as drinking and gambling. Despite the fact the Sailor had somewhat helped them however, the once mutual respect relationship they had quickly disappeared with the two often bickering and fighting. The Sailor would often become loud and aggressive, a lot of the time running off with other women and treating Meredith with little to no respect. Instead of inflicting a jealousy response like the Sailor had hoped however, Meredith would instead run off with other women herself and go enjoy herself at a tavern or lead attacks to outshine him. Hard to feel jealous over someone you never loved to begin with! The Sailors now disgraced behaviour and terrible attitude towards his crew led the others on the ship to look down at him and with Meredith seeing the opportunity at hand, she then on began to take a lead role among them and improved the ship as a whole.

This good time in her life did not last long however, with authorities now cracking down on piracy it backed Meredith and her crew into a corner and after one a final battle with their ship being destroyed, they were all captured and were expected to be executed for their crimes. Although the fact that technically the disgraced Sailor was the true leader, the fact that Meredith had to stand in to run the ship due to his negligence meant that they were deemed as the person behind it. The crew she was once so loyal to had now turned their backs on her to try to be pardoned, figuring they’d see her as some hysterical woman. This didn’t work however, only resulting in the crew being hanged for their crimes. Meredith knew it would only be a matter of time before she was next and with a bit of last minute thinking she chugged down as many drinks as possible, eating everything in sight and stuffed her shirt to try to fake appearing pregnant. With this plan in mind she begged the guards to help her, urging them to think of the child she didn't really have; somehow this managed to strike enough pity in a guard to get them to let her slip away and run off. 

Now on the run and with nowhere to go it seemed as though they were done for until a strange letter seemed to have appeared for her, inviting her to a manor with promises of cleaning her name and giving her a blank slate for a new life…


Related character

A description of the relationship goes here.

Related character

A description of the relationship goes here.


Meredith is offen considered to be unusually lively and outspoken for a woman of that time period, speaking her mind without considering consequences nor the vulgar language that most people turn their head at. She tries to live life to the fullest and make the most of what she has, choosing to try focus on the positives in situations. 

Despite having what most would consider a ruthless and dangerous profession, they are quite friendly and upbeat in comparison to other pirates, always being happy to drunkenly ramble to new people and having the confidence to joke around with strangers. This behaviour occasionally results in people turning their nose to her, seeing it as not a way for a lady to act, though she doesn’t seem to mind  and in fact finds it rather funny to be considered some sort of outcast for simply making the most of things. But even though they may not fit in a lot of the time, when Meredith does get along with people they are extremely loyal and will try her best to be there when needsbe as they view it as a crucial part of friendship.


  • Alcohol
  • Women
  • Hangovers
  • Traitors

-She is a lesbian!

-During a lot of her fights she is usually drunk, somehow fighting better when pissed.

-Despite putting her all into what she does she always makes sure to spare women and children.

-Unlike a lot of the people on her ship she can read and write as she recieved a good education.