jinx (ribbons)



15988440_kyGKU7ZGvay2DYm.png?1565834470sona. a character who represents the owner, usually in a personal way.
16206551_xEan8T2QKf0NDBu.pngserif soul. a character that was originally created in written form (copious amounts of roleplay).
15991847_uxkihVjmzpdJOAA.pngheart of paper. a character that was originally created on a traditional art medium.
15994704_nf7aEmw9Z4bJ629.pngactor. a character that was used in roleplay.
breakaway.pngbreakaway. a character who was once a fan-character for some form of media (doctor who) but has since been removed.
15989928_dJgYZAc1Df05Mww.pngtogether forever. a character that has been owned by the current owner for at least 8 years.
15986423_VWgwxgMTmNxkkVu.png?1565834541forever homed. never leaving me, ever!

ribbons by slate