Marian Alter



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Marian Alter

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Birthday: February 5

Nicknames: Mari, Puppet

Species: Wizard

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Cousins: Unknown

Aunts: Unknown

Uncles: Unknown

Children: Danny Alter (Deceased)

Friends: Trickno, Macarius, Alpheus, Leticia

Enemies: Demons, Satouls, Corbin

  : None, but very close to Macarius

Bio: As a young boy, Marian was the prodigy of magic and the star student of his home. He and his friend at the time, Corbin were candidates to receive the power from the village elder. Marian was chosen, much to his discomfort. Instead of taking the power, he instead created a child, his son, Danny. Marian was over the moon at having a child to care for. Marian, with some help from Corbin, raised Danny. But he did not account for Corbin having a festering jealousy.

One day, Corbin decided to sneak into Marian's home and kill Danny to forcibly take the power the boy had. He was able to sneak into the room and kill Danny but did not account for Marian walking in. Horrified by what Corbin did, Marian and Corbin engaged in a fight of magic. Unknowingly, Danny's magic transferred into Marian. Overriden with powerful magic, Marian caused an explosion.

When he had awoken, he found himself in the middle of the forest being poked by a green haired boy and red marks underneath his eyes.

Marian now lives with Macarius and aids him in teaching a young Trickno.