Pikachu x Scrafty [UFS $13USD]'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Catbreon Global Rules

Please do not sell this character or design for more than you paid, unless you have added art/literature to them since purchase. If you received them in a trade, refer to their ownership log-- there may be a sold price or estimated value listed there.

You have permission to make some alterations to my designs! You may also edit any art* that came with your purchase/trade to reflect those changes. My credit must remain on any edited art, but include a note somewhere that edits were made.
*Only applies to art made by myself. Always ask for permission from other artists before editing their artwork.

If you choose to hide this character’s profile, please give me authorization to view it, so it doesn’t disappear from my trade/sale records! For that same reason, don’t delete my design’s toyhouse profile.

I cannot offer refunds, but I will always be willing to take back my design/character creations, if they are no longer wanted.