


1 year, 7 months ago


Full name: Jack [????????]

Age: 13 in the beginning, 15 in the end

Species: human(british???)

Pronouns: he/him


Sexuality: straight

Voice claim: Jeremy Shada(finn the human)

Story: after being taken away from his home for the failed experiment, Jack was taken into an orpanage, where he was disrespected and avoided after his powers broke out. At the age of 10, he ran away with a little new girl he wanted to save(April). They'd been travelling for about a year until they setteled in a tiny village, where they lived for 2 years before a mysterious man took him away to a place where he found others like him.


-likes reading

-good sewer

-always buys April something nice when he goes out of the village

-based on Jack and the beanstalk(obv)

-Just A Very Nice Guy

Power: plant manipulation

Personality: Jack has a big heart!! He's a simple person, not the brightest, but he always takes care of everyone around him, he's everyone's comfort person, has the kindest soul, sort of a parents friend and can be surprizingly deep. His power is plant manipulation, before the story started he used it to grow vegetables to sell.

Motifs: plants, bean trees, anything farm related, sun

Design notes:

-his hair is very short, his head is almost shaved

-he's a little bulky

-he dresses like a farmer/someone from a countryside which is technically true

-in power mode his eyes and veins glow green


-his friends






-getting out of his comfort zone

-someone hurting ones he loves

-job that requires too much mind work


Hazel - lover!! Hazel acted very tough and tsundere-ish with him at first because she couldn't understand her feelings and Jack didn't understand why does she dislike him, but they warmed up to each other eventually, their relatonship is very deep(but she still bosses him around

April - younger adoptive sister!! They ran away from their(awful) orphanage together and now they act like siblings for each other, their relatonship is very soft and they always protect each other


Other special kids - found family

Tdd kids - friends (esp Christy)