Peachy Keen



1 year, 6 months ago


“Of course you can trust me, I’m Peachy Keen just like all my products and services.”

🍑Name: Peachy Keen (fake name, one of many)

🍑Age: 21 pre timeskip  / 23 post

🍑Occupation: Whatever she can convince you she’s able to do / Snake Oil Saleswoman

🍑Traits: Ambitious / Quick Witted / Intuitive / Sleazy / Charming / Easily Moved / Rolls with the punches / Fake it till you make it / Secretive 

🍑 Description:

Peachy can usually be found doing one of two things: Selling junk, or selling services she’s unlikely to be qualified to provide. Sometimes it’s for money, other times it’s for passage on a ship.

She’ll have you convinced she’s the best in the business, though. She’s a top notch grifter, as long as she doesn’t stick around long enough to find out if the people she’s grifting are genuinely good hearted - in which case her conscience may keep her from leaving them in the lurch.

She has a bad habit of making people up to get herself out of tight spots - such as the made up man that she’s “hopelessly in love with” that she describes to lovestruck customers to deter them from pursuing her.

How could she predict that this fictional man actually existed?

🍑 Fighting Style: She typically tries to talk her way out of a fight and most of the time succeeds in this, using all kinds of underhanded methods to do so.

Given no choice she’ll use her notable speed / dexterity to avoid injury. Usually she’s sizing up her opponent to figure out a way to turn their own power / weapon against them without needing a direct exchange of blows. She always has a variety of odd objects on her for the sake of selling, and occasionally uses these in a fight. 

If she manages to catch you off guard, she’s got a mean right hook. Her thirst for bits of knowledge to help her in a con has also led her have partial knowledge of a vast range of fighting styles.

Peachy is so good at predicting things happening around her, it can be assumed she has untrained observation haki - she’s figuring it out as she goes and good at learning from others, but actual dedicated training could make her lethal. 

Her unusual laugh is foreshadowing, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.