


8 years, 7 months ago


Vigil Mosrael


"Protect those who cannot protect themselves."

Name Vigil Mosrael Personality Reserved, kindly, protective, just, strong sense of purity, quiet, thoughtful
Age 20 Orientation Panromantic Asexual
Gender Male Skills Hand-to-hand combat
Titles Mr. Silence Abilities Skilled hand fighter, both with fists and daggers. Also can sense the ill intent of others.
Likes sunshine
warm weather
doing the right thing
happy families
Dislikes war
those in power

The Young Man From the South


Vigil comes from a distant land far to the south that was overrun by war. Desperate to save their only son, his parents sent him on a ship east, to a strange new country where he was quickly overwhelmed by the new language, culture, and ways of life. Alone, with little money and nothing else to his name, the boy quickly learned that staying quiet and keeping his head down was the best way to survive - because, after all, that was what his parents had wanted. He worked odd jobs here and there, finding that strangers were willing to hire him for labor and menial tasks. As the years passed he grew in both body and mind, learning the language of his new home and finally beginning to feel as if he wasn't such an outsider.

As he grew, however, he realized he could detect something strange; a sort of feeling that grew stronger whenever something bad was about to happen. It seemed to be related strongest to the ill intent of others, an almost premonition-like sense that would tug at his middle whenever he passed someone with darkness in their hearts. This skill afforded him a curious insight into the minds and hearts of those around him, and Vigil quickly figured out that he could put this odd ability of his to use. He began following those that set off his internal feelings, either preventing their eventual crime or catching them shortly after it was committed. Lives were saved, property was never lost, and families were able to remain together, and that was more than enough of a payoff for Vigil. He began to travel, using his gift when he could, until one day he stumbled upon a curious, hotheaded girl with an apparent penchant for bad luck.

He followed her around for a while, trying to warn her of her likely impending doom. His warnings were, however, brushed off, and unwilling to watch an innocent girl die only because of pigheadedness, he stuck by her side. After stopping the man that meant to murder her during the night, the girl introduced herself as Chou and agreed that maybe Vigil could stick with her for a while. She liked to travel and beat up bad guys, she told him, and maybe he'd be useful to have around, seeing as he was kinda strong and apparently had this weird sixth sense of detecting evil. Vigil travels with Chou now, and the two are having rather fun adventures and stopping crime and annoying one another.


850908_k8aDQxLHcxsz6UG.png Vigil is selectively mute. It isn't that he physically cannot speak - it is just that he chooses not to. Some of the trauma of his war-torn childhood and the violent upheaval of his life caused him to be silent for many years, and even after he had recovered from the early horrors in his life, he found that he preferred to remain quiet and let others do the talking. It's easier to know what others really mean when you concentrate and listen. He prefers instead to communicate mostly through facial expressions and gestures, but will use his voice when absolutely necessary. It's grown a little strange from disuse, having taken on a scratchy and almost rough quality, but he isn't afraid or ashamed to speak up when the situation requires it.

Despite his outwardly typically laid-back personality, Vigil is a deeply trouble individual. He is still haunted by the events of his childhood and the horror of war that he experienced - soldiers slaughtering people he knew, watching villages burn as his family fled, and other unspeakable events. He wakes in the night, sometime, shaking and sweating and cold, and cannot drift off to sleep after that. Sometimes it occurs to him that speaking to someone about the things that haunt him may help, but he doesn't want to burden others with his troubles. His purpose in life is to help others, not to have them be concerned with him or his silly nightmares.

At his core is a very strong sense of justice. Vigil wants, above all else, to never see what happened in his homeland happen to others. He wants to see families remain together, to see people never injured or hurt, and to have those who would commit these terrible acts taken care of before they can carry out their deeds. He isn't afraid to get physical to uphold this belief, however. Despite how much he wants peace, he knows that he must sometimes bloody his own hands in order to keep others clean - and that's okay with him. Vigil reasons that so long as he is upholding peace by removing those who would seek to destroy it, things even out.


198079_ZZkYnR3Z0H88Pqg.png Chou

Chou amuses Vigil, in the deepest sense of the word. He's never met anyone as angry and as feisty as she is, and to see someone so belligerent is something that constantly catches him off guard.. He cares for her deeply as a friend, however, and wants to see her safe - so her fighty tendencies give him heart palpitations on many occasions. Despite the fact that he hardly ever speaks to her, she seems to understand him just fine, which he appreciates, and she never pressures Vigil to speak to her with words. He also appreciates that. Sure, Chou may be his opposite, but she's a good friend and it's very obvious that the two are extremely close to one another and would do anything to keep the other safe.

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