Havi (FE3H)



1 year, 4 months ago


If he isn't trying to kill me, what's the point?


20 (Academy) | 25 (War)

13th of the Wyvern Moon, Imperial Year 1161 (13/10)




Leicester Alliance

Adrestrian Empire

Wyvern Rider

Attendant of House Hevring Undersecretary of the Imperial Household

axe faith flying

bow brawling authority

Personal Skill
skill Vengeful: Unit deals 3 extra damage when attacking a foe that has previously attacked an ally with a B support or higher.

HP 50

Strength 33

Magic 19

Dexterity 23

Speed 29

Luck 22

Defence 28

Resistance 15

Charm 23

Movement 7


  • Sweets
  • Plushies
  • Coffee
  • Cats
  • Hubert

  • Loud Noises
  • Bright Lights
  • Crest Reasearch
  • Demonic Beasts
  • Horses

  • Very clumsy and has trouble understanding things sometimes.
  • Has been friends with Linhardt since childhood. Has also know Caspar since childhood.
  • Is supposed to wear glasses but hates them.
  • Only proficient in faith magic because of Linhardt.
  • Enjoys gardening but is terrified of killing the plants by accident.
  • Tried to learn reason magic to impress Hubert and had a spell blow up in their face.
  • Occupation changes depending on story route chosen. Attendant of House Hevring = Acamedy Phase, Verdant Wind, Silver Snow & Azure Moon. Undersecretary of the Imperial Household = Crimson Flower ONLY.

In Imperial Year 1161, on the 13th day under the Wyvern Moon, Havi was born to a small family located in the south-eastern County of Ordelia in the Leicester Alliance. As their family had no claim to land, they were quite poor, often consisting of civil servants, maids and gardeners for Houses of higher Power. Though poor, and often working long and hard hours, Havi's parents made sure to raise them as best they could and spoil them as often as possible. As such, Havi was mostly unaware of their family's monetary situation, existing in a peaceful bliss of childhood. Havi's mother had come from a long line of caretakers who served the Ordelia family, living in a small offset of the families main grounds. Count Ordelia and his wife were very welcoming and often remarked how they wished to have a child of their own, stating that their child and Havi would surely end up being wonderful friends. In Imperial Year 1164, the Ordelia's wish had been granted, and they welcomed the birth of their daughter, Lysithea.

In Imperial Year 1167, House Hrym attempted to defect from the Adrestrian Empire with the help of House Ordelia. However, the Imperial Army was not to be underestimated and made quick work of stamping out the fires of rebellion. In the aftermath, despite not being politically involved, the Empire had begun to interfere with House Ordelia's internal affairs as a punishment for adding fuel to House Hrym's fire. Many members of the Ordelia family were taken out and replaced with Imperial officials, gradually giving the Empire more and more power, all while the Alliance turned a blind eye. Many members of Havi's family, along with other families that served as attendants and retainers, were displaced and force to flee lest they be caught up in the internal warfare as well. Before Havi's family had the chance to flee, their house was raided by Imperial soldiers in search of documents pretaining to House Ordelia's affairs, as well as to instill more fear into the people of the County. To prevent the possiblity of another rebellion happening again, Havi, as well as children from other families, were removed from their homes and taken into the custody of families in the Empire. Because most children were from families of handmaids and footmen, they were placed as attendants and vassals for the heirs of most houses. At age 8, Havi was eventually placed under the care of House Hevring as a general attendant as well as a handmaid for Linhardt von Hevring, the young heir to the House.

Having been displaced from their family and all they had known, Havi was initially very stand-offish and wary of


Linhardt von Hevring Closest Friend

Close since childhood, although the first few years of their relationship were a bit rocky. Met when Havi was 8 and Linhardt was 5. Being constantly around each other forced them to bond and eventually come to depend on one another, (although Linhardt would never admit that.) In public and at the academy, the two share more of a sibling relationship dynamic than that of servant/master. Havi is very protective of Linhardt because of his habit of wandering off and getting hurt.

Hubert von Vestra Love Interest/Husband

Initally very wary/distrustful of one another. Hubert's threats and scare tactics

Dedue Molinaro Gardening Buddy

Bonded over their shared love and enjoyment of gardening. Dedue taught Havi how to care for the various flora housed in the Monastary's greenhouse and helped them overcome their worries of accidentally killing the plants. Became each others close confidants, finding great comfort in each other's somewhat similar life positions.