John Slater



6 years, 4 months ago


 Name: Johnathan (John)  Slater
Age: 276 but looks to be in his late 20's
Gender: Male
Race: Hispanic/American
Personality: Spazy, unpredictable, impulsive, morbid, strong-willed, stubborn, outspoken, narcissistic, brash, careless, optimistic, cheerful, and confident

Bio: Growing up Johnathan was a pretty average kid, he got picked on a little but John being the little shit that he is wanted to be extra and summon demons 'n shit to give him the power to destroy the kids who were just poking fun. He's a bit dramatic. He ended up traveling to the shadow realm for he had no where else to go, he thought it would be best to never show his face in the small town. He stayed there for years, hanging out with shadows and stuff until one day a girl named Rebeca came to him asking if he was the kind, and him being the little shit he is he said yes. There was never a king of the shadow realm, there probably never would have been one if John would have told the truth. John became the king and made Rebeca his queen, Rebeca thought he was the best thing ever until over time she say that he was just some mentally unstable drama queen who craved power, the two have a love hate relationship the ended up causing more bad than good. John and Rebeca now come out at night in the human world to terrorize anyone who crosses their paths.